Everyone's first week they start on zero shifts. But definitely speak to your department manager and let them know you're ready and willing to work
Harry, it was fucked. We calculated that we were
NINE PEOPLE DOWN, we brought in extras for the morning (an extra 2 hours for me, 3 hours for someone else and an hour and a half for someone else) but then past 12/1pm that was useless because none of the morning kids would stay, and I don't blame them. The whole day just really got to everyone. I had a go at the front end staff as a whole at close because it was 5.30, I had just got back from my break, and there was no effort at all made by anyone to get draws out and into a trolley to be taken upstairs. The incharge supervisor was sat doing reports, the other one was filling drinks. The whole situation annoys me, I did not start counting upstairs until 6pm, and I'm rostered to finish at 6.30. But I got 22 draws done in 45 minutes (plus a phone call from CMS - the NF Captain had alarmed cash office and we were clearly still there) with no mistakes. I was mighty impressed. Left at 7.30, still bad but not nearly as bad as last week.
Felt really sorry for the express alert people though

I don't think anything got done in grocery.
Oh, and it was raining today too. Why do people want to come out when its raining?