Well it depends upon the context, like pretty much everything on that list.Why are things illegal? Because they affect how others can exercise their freedoms, usually.
Well it depends upon the context, like pretty much everything on that list.Why are things illegal? Because they affect how others can exercise their freedoms, usually.
You missed the point. Suppose I ask you why it is wrong/immoral to deny people the exercise of their freedoms. Eventually most people bottom out in gut instinct and claim that it 'just is'.Why are things illegal? Because they affect how others can exercise their freedoms, usually.
Much like climate change. No vested interests whatsoever.If the government has to spend a lot of money to convince us that something is true, it must be true.
Why should you have a right to say if a couple can reproduce or not? they arent harming you, in fact its got pretty much nothing to do with you. Its not just people who are related that can have a poor genetic match when it comes to having children. Are you also going to tell couples that have an amazing number of recessive bad genes that they cant have kids?4. If an incestuous relationship is between two consenting adults and doesn't produce biological kids then, well, it's not to say that I'm personally comfortable with it, but intellectually, I can really see no reason to be against it.
Who cares? our legal system seems to show that animals are merely posessions to do with as we wish. Their consent doesnt matter and never has. We enslave them, torture them, kill them and consume their bodies at our whim. A little unwanted sex is hardly as bad as other institutionalised harm like that. Even then, whose to say the animal is actually being harmed? for all we know it likes it.5. Bestiality because the animal can't actively consent or refuse in a definitive way which we can understand. And even if they do give some signs of doing so, who's to say they won't be ignored? They can't communicate to an outside party about what they are experiencing and thus have no way of getting out of the situation if they are suffering.
I can agree with this. It isnt right to kill someone so that you can eat them, but if you were going to die from starvation if you didnt, then your right to do anything necessary to survive trumps murder imo.12. In my opinion, the circumstances in which performing an act of cannibalism would be acceptable would be if it was necessary for survival, and if the person was already dead.
They are a dead body, a pile of rotting meat. Their consent no longer matters. Of course, their body effectively becomes part of their estate and now belongs to their family, so their property rights trump your need to have sex with a dead body, but if its your wife, or the family agrees or something like that, then yeah theres nothing intrinsically wrong with it. Its about as wrong as having sex with a stuffed toy, both are inanimate objects.13. My main issue with this is the dead person can't give consent, and it seems unlikely most people would while still able to, and this, to me, is an insult to their memory. But if, for some reason, a couple agrees to this before one of them dies, then, again, although I am not personally comfortable with it, intellectually it would seem unreasonable to oppose it.
rude sometimes, yes but not what i would call immoral or taboo.14. Obviously, in some situations, this would be highly inappropriate and/or rude, and in others, it might just happen as part of a conversation. Anyway, the person being asked can always refuse to answer.
Peoples feelings might get hurt....right. Who cares? if two adults consent then its all free game imo.16. This, because I think in some situations, it can cause a lot of emotional damage that might've been avoided if people had been less casual about things, because people can end up having different expectations, or feeling used or cheap or whatever. But if the two people are fully aware of the situation, etc., then again, it's fine.
Same can be said for alcohol, but there's nothing inherently immoral about drinking.18. Because it can become addictive and really ruin lives, but if it's just the occasional horse bet or scratchie...
If two consenting adults agree, then who is being harmed? if they dont like it they are free to withdraw their consent.19. Because it can be dangerous and/or harmful, but if people are careful, then, whatever. It's their choice.
Careful, wtf? Consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they want without infringing on other people's rights.19. BDSM
19. Because it can be dangerous and/or harmful, but if people are careful, then, whatever. It's their choice.
Well done acting like an immature schoolkid instead of responding intelligently to possibly the most well-read and level-headed poster on this forum.![]()
Why are things illegal? Because they affect how others can exercise their freedoms, usually.
First to admit I am an immature schoolkid sry.Well done acting like an immature schoolkid instead of responding intelligently to possibly the most well-read and level-headed poster on this forum.
He is well read, we know this because he name drops what he reads and inserts long, irrelevant quotes all the time.Well done acting like an immature schoolkid instead of responding intelligently to possibly the most well-read and level-headed poster on this forum.
You're a wanker all the time, but you don't even offset it by posting interesting or enlightening stuff, so I'll stick with him.Tbh he is overrated. He makes some interesting points, but sometimes he is just a wanker.
I'm the opposite of a wanker. I'm frank and honest about what I think and I don't go out of my way to try and prove to everyone how intelligent and well read I am.You're a wanker all the time, but you don't even offset it by posting interesting or enlightening stuff, so I'll stick with him.