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Homosexuality in Australia (1 Viewer)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms

Its to do with the manipulation and abuse of what sex was intended for. Bet it outside of marriage the context it was designed for, between people for which it was not intended etc, it becomes a sin.
you know, the orgasm must be there for a reason. and that is to encourage sex. kinda weird how males are able to experience that anally as well (both straight ones and gay ones)


Dec 27, 2009
you know, the orgasm must be there for a reason. and that is to encourage sex. kinda weird how males are able to experience that anally as well (both straight ones and gay ones)
Why does chocolate cake takse better than vegetables? Just because it feels good doesn't make it good for you.

Lol, I never denied it was a good thing or that people shouldn't be able to enjoy it, its just that it has its place.

no. cus you cannot compare "cheating on your wife" with homoexuality. it doesn't work.
I just did.

And whats the difference?

Plenty of people cheat on their spouse in homosexual affairs anyway and homosexuals are far more promiscious than heterosexuals, both in and out of relationships.

The two are different sure, but they are both examples of sexual immorality.


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Its not so much outdated than it is just not relevant. It is still important however, becuase it gives insights into God and His relationship with the early Israelites.

What is said in the Mosiac code, can be broken up into civil, moral and ceremonial laws.

The ceremonial laws are not applicable for us anymore, eg. animal sacrifce, since our sins are now forgiven through Christ.

Civil laws relate to punishments and other stuff, like not eating pork (I think that civil and not ceremonial).

Moral laws however are still relevant. These are like not having homosexual sex, not having sex with family members, respecting your parents. In addition to this, many of them are referred to again in the NT.
Hahahaha talk about picking and choosing what bits of the bible to listen to and what not to ^__^

Hypocrite much?

still never answered me as to what gives you right over the divine father to know what applies or is relevant.


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Lol, I never denied it was a good thing or that people shouldn't be able to enjoy it, its just that it has its place.
But in your christian world, it doesn't have a place, except perhaps in hell...
Well.. god forgives I guess... so maybe just outside a confessional?

I just did.

And whats the difference?

Plenty of people cheat on their spouse in homosexual affairs anyway
More of people cheat on their spouses in heterosexual affairs... I miss your point...

and homosexuals are far more promiscious than heterosexuals, both in and out of relationships.

The two are different sure, but they are both examples of sexual immorality.
No doubt your own twisted notions of what the bible is allows you sex before marriage, (because surely that old law is no longer relevant! :p - P.S. You're starting to sound like a gay man who says "I believe in god, just not the bit about him hating homosexuals") - In which case, what is wrong with a little Promiscuity before marriage? It could be that this experimentation and willingness to experience what else is out there before you commit is one of the key causes that (statistically) homosexual long-term relationships are more stable and longer lasting that heterosexual ones. - Even if more homosexual couples practice polygamy, polygnandry.

P.S. A fun fact: Biologically, we are worse than dogs!

  • humans have a very large relative size of testes to body mass versus most primates
  • humans have a comparatively large ejaculate and sperm count versus other primates
  • as compared to most primates, humans spend more time in copulation
  • as compared to most primates, humans copulate with greater frequency
  • the human female's estrous is hidden, compared to most mammals that have outward signs of ovulation
  • for most mammals, the estrous cycle and its outward signs bring on mating activity, but due to the hidden estrous, humans copulate throughout the reproductive cycle


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
This entire thread is about homosexuality IN Australia. Take your religion somewhere else. If you want to argue about how homosexuality is a sin, homosexuals are doomed for hell blah blah bible blah blah etc. Make your own thread about it. Since when has this thread been about what the bible states about religion.

Here I'll get you started. Thread title: Homosexuality. Religiously why it's wrong and the biblical evidence.

Homosexuality in Australia has never been better, with bills and laws in the process of being discussed in the senate, in the near future we will hopefully be legally recognised as equals.


Dec 27, 2009
If Jesus believed in the OT, then why did he break OT law? If he truly believed in the OT, then he would of obeyed all the laws in it.
I think it is important for you to recognise that Christ is God, on Earth. As such He was incapable of sinning.

He not only provided a means for mankinds salvation, but clarified many of the teachings of the OT. In some cases, this meant the rejection of some aspects of the Mosaic code, for example the stoning of people who have done wrong, and in others it meant no change, for example when Christ quoted the OT in regards to marriage and divorce.

Furthermore, being God, He would have been free to break the rules the Father set for mankind. Being God however He was incapable of sinning. The OT is not perfect. Christ also came as a means of fufilling the OT. Some aspects of it remain relevant to us still, others are not anymore binding on Christians today. Looking at the NT is the way by which we determine what is relevant within the OT.

Jesus said; in Matthew 5:17-20

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Hahahaha talk about picking and choosing what bits of the bible to listen to and what not to ^__^

Hypocrite much?

still never answered me as to what gives you right over the divine father to know what applies or is relevant.
I havn't decided what is relevant or not... Being Christian I follow the NT.

The OT is still important, but it is not binding as it once used to be. When looking for guidance, a Christian turns to the NT. Some issues are addressed in the same manner in both the OT and the NT, and in such a circumstance, referring to the OT is OFC acceptable.

The NT is the manner by which we determine what is relevant in the OT.

That said there is still much to be learnt through the OT, both about God and about moral living.

But in your christian world, it doesn't have a place, except perhaps in hell...
Well.. god forgives I guess... so maybe just outside a confessional?
When did I ever say sex was in itself an evil thing?

OFC people can have sex, and OFC they can enjoy it. It has its place however, and practising it outside of the context for which it was designed is a sin, regardless if the offender is involved in a heterosexual or homosexual affair (in the case of a homosexual affair however, it cannot not be a sin though on the basis that it is a perversion by its very nature).

More of people cheat on their spouses in heterosexual affairs... I miss your point...
My point was they are both perversion of sex and love, neither have a place in the life of a morally righteous person.

No doubt your own twisted notions of what the bible is allows you sex before marriage, (because surely that old law is no longer relevant! :p - P.S. You're starting to sound like a gay man who says "I believe in god, just not the bit about him hating homosexuals") - In which case, what is wrong with a little Promiscuity before marriage?
Except I am actually against sex before marriage... Fornication is a sin as well.

It could be that this experimentation and willingness to experience what else is out there before you commit is one of the key causes that (statistically) homosexual long-term relationships are more stable and longer lasting that heterosexual ones. - Even if more homosexual couples practice polygamy, polygnandry.

Family Research Council

Knock yourself out :)

P.S. A fun fact: Biologically, we are worse than dogs!

  • humans have a very large relative size of testes to body mass versus most primates
  • humans have a comparatively large ejaculate and sperm count versus other primates
  • as compared to most primates, humans spend more time in copulation
  • as compared to most primates, humans copulate with greater frequency
  • the human female's estrous is hidden, compared to most mammals that have outward signs of ovulation
  • for most mammals, the estrous cycle and its outward signs bring on mating activity, but due to the hidden estrous, humans copulate throughout the reproductive cycle
I don't see what you are trying to demonstrate with this at all...

And I seriously don't get what dogs have to do with anything.

Is this where you say that Leviticus doesn't apply to the modern world but insist that the rest of the bible does?
See above :)

Its important, just not binding on us.

As a general rule of thumb (there is usually more to it than this but w/e) if something is in the NT, then OT passages relating to the same issue and with the same stance are relevant.

This is the case with homosexuality, as it is with monogamous, heterosexual marriage being the only acceptable "form" of marriage and the only appropriate context for sexual intercouse to take place. Biblically speaking, there is no dispute on these issues.

But as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.


Dec 27, 2009
This entire thread is about homosexuality IN Australia. Take your religion somewhere else. If you want to argue about how homosexuality is a sin, homosexuals are doomed for hell blah blah bible blah blah etc. Make your own thread about it. Since when has this thread been about what the bible states about religion.

Here I'll get you started. Thread title: Homosexuality. Religiously why it's wrong and the biblical evidence.

Homosexuality in Australia has never been better, with bills and laws in the process of being discussed in the senate, in the near future we will hopefully be legally recognised as equals.

To quote the OP:

What are your views on homosexuality? Marriage?
I am expressing my views on homosexuality and on gay marriage.

Not everything I have been talking about has had anything to do with my religion or the Bible.

Seriously what is it with liberal minded people and censorship/anti-democratic behaviour? I have no problem with you expressing your views, the least you can do is allow others to do the same.

BTW in case you hacn't noticed you are already recognised as equals. There is no law which says everyone can have X, unless you're queer, in which case you can't.

In the case of marriage, is descrimination on the basis of behaviour, which is perfectly acceptable (as it is the choice of the individual, as opposed to race or sex, where the individual has no choice). One does not have to have a genetic predisposition to engage in homosexual behaviour, as one who has said disposition may not necessarily be homosexual. Exaclty the same as my alcoholic analogy before.

Yes marriage is a right, but never in any society have individuals been able to marry whomever or whoever they want. Furthermore, love and mutual committment have never been the basis for marriage, in our society, or in those past. In addition, preventing gay marriage, does not infringe on the rights of homosexuals to practise their homsoexuality or to enter meaningful relationships (recognised by the state regardless as de facto couples).
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you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
I wouldn't call the FRC a valid source when it comes to sexuality it doesn't agree with. They accept the falsified research of Paul Cameron ffs.


Dec 27, 2009
I wouldn't call the FRC a valid source when it comes to sexuality it doesn't agree with. They accept the falsified research of Paul Cameron ffs.
I won't deny they are not bias, becuase they are, but the data they cite comes from what I would think are reputable sources, such as (the US) National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as various reputable studies.


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
Ah k. I'm on my iPhone right now so I'll check the data later.
Let the bitchfighting continue! :D


Dec 27, 2009

Also, I'll point out that, earlier on, a large number of sources were linked to gay activist websites, so in fairness I see nothing wrong with linking to Christian based websites or groups.


Sep 18, 2009
Yeah, but the main question is how does gay marriage affect you? If it has no bearing on your life, you can live a happy heterosexual person in the future and other people can have homosexual marriages, everyone's happy!

How does a marriage between two people of the same sex who have no affiliation to you, directly impact you. In no way whatsoever right? So what's with the opposition.

Don't get me wrong, I respect your right to have a heterosexual marriage if you want one, but I also don't mind if gay people want to be married too, as it doesn't negatively imapct on me in any way whatsoever, I don't see why I should try to stop it.


Sep 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I think it is important for you to recognise that Christ is God, on Earth. As such He was incapable of sinning.

He not only provided a means for mankinds salvation, but clarified many of the teachings of the OT. In some cases, this meant the rejection of some aspects of the Mosaic code, for example the stoning of people who have done wrong, and in others it meant no change, for example when Christ quoted the OT in regards to marriage and divorce.

Furthermore, being God, He would have been free to break the rules the Father set for mankind. Being God however He was incapable of sinning. The OT is not perfect. Christ also came as a means of fufilling the OT. Some aspects of it remain relevant to us still, others are not anymore binding on Christians today. Looking at the NT is the way by which we determine what is relevant within the OT.

Jesus said; in Matthew 5:17-20

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

I havn't decided what is relevant or not... Being Christian I follow the NT.

The OT is still important, but it is not binding as it once used to be. When looking for guidance, a Christian turns to the NT. Some issues are addressed in the same manner in both the OT and the NT, and in such a circumstance, referring to the OT is OFC acceptable.

The NT is the manner by which we determine what is relevant in the OT.

That said there is still much to be learnt through the OT, both about God and about moral living.

I don't see what you are trying to demonstrate with this at all...

And I seriously don't get what dogs have to do with anything.

*sigh* I'm bored with this argument. This whole thread really.
cba arguing, but I still disagree on you ideas of Christianity and how the bible is to be treated in terms of a the whole OT/NT thing.

P.S. Wasn't trying ot prove anything with the last bit. Just some fun facts that made me smile :]

Well, I'm sick of this forum.


*Rapes Name_Taken*

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Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
Geez sorry for being slightly lazy and not reading the entire thread to look for loop holes that could ultimately destroy my arguement.

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