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Ahmad Shah Style-Based Notes, Revised, Edited, Perfected. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 11, 2012
Studying 6-9 hrs a day is a waste of childhood. I'm going to enjoy my childhood. Just because you get an ATAR of 99+ doesn't mean you're going to be successful. I believe people should study in moderation. Not OVERLOAD


★ BoS Deity ★
Jan 21, 2011
Uni Grad
I'm hesitant to trust the quality of the notes based on the quality of your underwear...


May 26, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Thank you for writing (and actually doing) that! So inspirational man. What course were you working towards? Your ATAR still ended up being great, congratulations and sorry to hear about the loss of your family members


Mar 16, 2008
i just read the first paragraphs. if you chose to do the hsc again with 90.2 becuase you could get into the course you wanted but not happy with your marks you're a complete idiot. if you did it again because you couldnt get into what you want youre an idiot as there are so many ways to transfer into what you want that wasting another year of your life on the hsc is just completely and utterly ludcrious. if it really means that much to you then i really dont know what to say when in the scope of life the hsc is one of the most insignificant things there is.
Did you bother reading anything, it was a personel choice, self-challenge, i hated defeat especially if i didnt know where it was coming from.


Apr 30, 2011
Did you bother reading anything, it was a personel choice, self-challenge, i hated defeat especially if i didnt know where it was coming from.
Getting a 90+ atar is far from failure. Yeah fair enough i sounded abusive but it does jsut seem such an insignificant thing to get a hang up about. What are you doing/intend to do at uni?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Uni Grad
If one wants to repeat the HSC, then fine, let them go for it. As the OP said, he had a reason to do so, a very personal one. Not everything is about taking the quickest route to the desired course and making the $$$ after graduating. People do this because they want to achieve a sense of accomplishment in anything they do. But they also want to find out what is going wrong with them as well.

(I don't suggest it personally though, because I do believe HSC is a waste of time and more effort should be put into university overall)


New Member
Jan 16, 2013
Haha man. Your persistence is inspirational. This is honestly one of the best things I've read on this forum.


Mar 16, 2008
Hey Osama! Not sure if you remember me mate, but good stuff on the ATAR! Knew you had the motivation to do it. And I basically agree 100% with most of the points you've made. You would understand better than most, not matter how much I try to tell this to people around me (tutoring students, family friends etc) they don't seem to understand it. But I'm with Clintmyster on some of those points man. Just tone it down with the criticism. What didn't work for you may have worked very well for others. Congratulating you on your effort shouldn't equal trash-talking those guys!

All the best for the future mate! :D
How can i not forget you? couldnt you figure out where you were in OP? your one of the main reasons i created those notes and made sure they get released for free.

My critism stands, when you got kids whose parents are working getting 23-25$ not after tax (you would know very well), to go pay kids with virtually no experience in teaching, 30-50$ an hour, to beat around the bush and waste their time, their parents money, and then make up baloonie bullshit about how they magically suceeded the HSC and how their killer notes/stolen cssa math topic by topic question booklet (which ofcourse they dont mention) is the key.

Till today i remeber your msn name (s) Kamal (S), you were accelerated, so you had done hsc chem before i did, i asked to buy your note 50$ each topic, you didnt agree, we still talked over the year, thought as friends, then when i repeated, i asked for your past english adv essays, since i swapped from std to adv, you would think that the least a mate can do, but what did you say? "sorry mate, for my students".

And to think that you followed a path in MBBS (you know the touche line of 'i like to help people'), pretty ironic dont you think?. Lets not add the culture influence, that will spicen things up abit too much.

In summary, trash-talking would be an understatement. Believe me when i say it, i wish i can write in more condescending manner, but afterall this is a public forum, if being a realist about the whole situation is considered trash-talking, then what a mighty fine example of how consumerism is in its works

Goodluck with the future "mate".


Jun 26, 2011
Nice post. Where were you two years go when i started year 11? It just seemed pointless to do the HSC all over again at 90ATAR/UAI just because you feel some what conflicted. In my view people with goals just want to get out there and do something that matters. It just to me seems irresponsible maybe if you got 60 or 70 or something and want to go to University of Melbourne or ANU. It seems you have had a very privileged and highly priced Prelim and HSC attempts which is just border line unfair even though you claim it didn't help, we've had none of that shit in my area, why not just go a step further and aim for Harvard. All that for 7 extra digits, goes to show that the HSC is not designed to teach students but rather justify discriminating between them. You could had done law or something at a lower Uni with that UAI and just transferred in to this magical Uni course you were looking for. USYD Law students had been known to get 70s in their ATAR signed up for Bachelor of Arts and worked hard for a year to get a good GPA and then transferred in to law the next year. Great post and some great stuff wish i read this a long time ago in Year 11 or Year 10, it's just a bit of a disturbing story to me, sorry, even i think there is nothing wrong with it, just makes me react you know.


Mar 16, 2008
Nice post. Where were you two years go when i started year 11? It just seemed pointless to do the HSC all over again at 90ATAR/UAI just because you feel some what conflicted. In my view people with goals just want to get out there and do something that matters. It just to me seems irresponsible maybe if you got 60 or 70 or something and want to go to University of Melbourne or ANU. It seems you have had a very privileged and highly priced Prelim and HSC attempts which is just border line unfair even though you claim it didn't help, we've had none of that shit in my area, why not just go a step further and aim for Harvard. All that for 7 extra digits, goes to show that the HSC is not designed to teach students but rather justify discriminating between them. You could had done law or something at a lower Uni with that UAI and just transferred in to this magical Uni course you were looking for. USYD Law students had been known to get 70s in their ATAR signed up for Bachelor of Arts and worked hard for a year to get a good GPA and then transferred in to law the next year. Great post and some great stuff wish i read this a long time ago in Year 11 or Year 10, it's just a bit of a disturbing story to me, sorry, even i think there is nothing wrong with it, just makes me react you know.
Has nothing to do with degree, did you bother reading? instead of typing out a 2-3min thought long message, you could have click paged 2 and read the answer to your question already.

Did you bother reading anything, it was a personel choice, self-challenge, i hated defeat especially if i didnt know where it was coming from.
And not going to reply to the rest, sounds like my english teacher 'its just life, we all make mistakes, hsc is just one big part of it'.
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Prophet 9 FTW
Nov 12, 2007
Uni Grad
Never mocked anything, im a realist, and if i dont know an answer to a question ill glady self-address myself, alot of what i said is meant to sound condescending, for a reason, these show ponies go on all about themselves all day and night, whether directly or indirectly, and you could sense it, clint colaco, you yourself should know this. I remeber laughing when i finished the hsc when some kids from your school magically became tutors.

I did not discount the use of tutors in each case you presented, for english it should be your teacher that does the proof reading, maybe 1-2 3rd person perspectives can help. For maths most of them have leeched their information from cambridge/cssa past questions.

I dont believe ex-hsc students, especially people such as yourself to be tutoring, especially with things delicate as the hsc. Knowledge is one thing, teaching is another. Ive been taught by 2-3 100UAI kids, can they teach? no, can they give answers to certain questions due to their past knowledge? yes.

Heres a few people;
First in Chem from your school in that year; had basic tutor, i went to her, taught him basic, rest was his work and past papers.
3-4 kids First state in 3/4U; had ex-hsc markers, taught him from cambridge, then past papers to reinforce.
5th in Biology: notes, then past papers.

The whole point of this thread was to show kids some light about the reality of the game, people selling notes *cough you*, dont technically represent that.

I dare you to find a more comphrensive and detailed set of bio and chem notes that i have posted, that is free, and i will glady pay you 1000$ at your cricket game.
Well I did go to some of these tutors myself but they didn't show off or anything, in fact quite the opposite. They were very encouraging and even considered me equal and able to achieve what they achieved.

I can't speak for all of the tutors that originated from my school but for the most part they do do a good job and pass on what was ground into us. Some benefit and some don't as you have said but that's when you need to be proactive and say thanks but no thanks. I admit, many people have said this to me in the past and continue to do so. Others, like yesterday said keep giving me the life lessons because I'd rather prefer the motivation. (In fact, I actually mentioned this thread but he entirely disagreed about motivational speeches being useless)

For maths, is it leeching or is it being resourceful? I think the latter. These are resources that others might not even be aware of because they are so old. Can't blame a tutor for that. If you don't like his style, speak up or leave.

I entirely agree with you that 100 UAI kids don't necessarily have the skills to teach and thats sometimes what I play on when promoting myself because I do believe I can convey concepts in a simple, relatable way. People keep coming back and thank me for my efforts.

I don't dispute your notes are not comprehensive. I've downloaded them myself. Their great. You've done BoS and the student community a great favour. Now take the complement and show some respect to others that have made you who you are.


Jun 26, 2011
Did you bother reading anything, it was a personel choice, self-challenge, i hated defeat especially if i didnt know where it was coming from.
I read ALL of it, i wouldn't had written that it was a good post if i didn't read the WHOLE thing. Even your following posts. I just really believe (in my honest opinion and i think this is a good and inspirational post) that it was incredibly irresponsible and you should not in any way provide people some kind of enthusiasm to copy such a thing. To gain an ATAR of 90 and not feel good enough while at one point seems admirable considering the goal, to achieve a number on a pointless stage designed to discriminate people and not teach you any real skills, to not feel good enough with a 90 is just highly un-healthy. You should re-evaluate the events and aim not to do such a thing again. I read this out irl "Osmaelias, who ever you are, you are GOOD ENOUGH: a really smart and motivated individual, you got an ATAR/UAI of 90 in your real attempt, despite not being in Australia before Year 11, you managed to place in the top 10% (you managed beating 90% of candidates) of Students in New South Wales (the largest state-population in Australia with over fifty thousand candidates). You must be a very impressive and exceptional human being. I am sure this means you will do great in what ever your aspirations are in life." i think that's all you really needed to hear before you waisted that year also keep in mind that you could have had the same result in another year and gotten 100UAI because of the way these things are calculated. 96 ATAR does not necessarily mean you did better than when you attempted it the first time, had the candidates been different your 96 ATAR attempt could had been 50 or 80 ATAR.

I was also getting at the lack of textual integrity of your argument against tutors and tutoring, "because they haven't helped", since you yourself has obviously benefited with such a financial advantage. Your argument that kids can do really well by themselves is really inspirational and a hard thing to teach anyone. But still not everyone would need to go through such un-healthy lengths to achieve a great result nor someone who really cannot perform should debauch their lifestyle if they really cannot. Because by process of induction comparing Terrence Tao and Ramanujan with their their hardworking and privileged counterparts whom they can naturally out perform at younger ages or little resources, proves that something else is being played at hand. Pascal and Fermat did not need a high ATAR to create the foundation mathematics that formed modern Economics its self. This is a finality that the HSC "stage" as i like to think of it sought to cater for and this is why i think to value the ATAR or UAI is such a pointless competition, it is just a number that justifies discriminating between students enrolling in to University because it would be more unfair if it were on a first-come first-served basis, financial basis or the politically incorrect "IQ-testing", and interviewing every single candidate would really achieve the same thing but is physically impossible. I don't think the Board of Studies educates students enough on how these things are actually calculated, because if you really understood it, it would illuminate that the results are highly "Abstract" and are hence pointless. Please do not interpret this as me discounting your intrinsic motivations, but your lack of mentioning what you wanted to get into and what you wanted to do in the future with that ranking says something to me. Isn't that more important? Steve Jobs and Bill Gates achieved their goals for technology and fostered businesses that were at least at one point considered the best or most valuable in the world without any degrees at all. There must be something more to some one's focus on their admission ranking than the actual number it self; Their Dream.
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Apr 30, 2011
I read ALL of it, i wouldn't had wrote if it was a good post if i didn't read the WHOLE thing. Even your other posts. I just really believe (in my honest opinion and i think this is a good and inspirational post) it was incredibly irresponsible and you should not in any way provide people some kind of enthusiasm to copy such a thing. To gain an ATAR of 90 and not feel good enough while at one point seems admirable considering the goal, to achieve a number on a pointless stage designed to discriminate people and not teach you any real skills, to not feel good enough with a 90 is just highly un-healthy. You should re-evaluate the events and aim not to do such a thing again. I read this out irl "Osmaelias, who ever you are, you are GOOD ENOUGH: a really smart person, you got an ATAR/UAI of 90 in your real attempt , despite not being in Australia before Year 11, you managed to place in the top 10% of Students in New South Wales (the largest state-population in Australia with over fifty thousand candidates beating 90% of candidates). You must be a very impressive and exceptional human being. I am sure this means you will do great in what your aspirations are in life." i think that's all you needed to hear before you waisted that year also keep in mind that you could have had the same result in another year and gotten 100UAI because of the way these things are calculated. 96 ATAR does not necessarily mean you did better than when you attempted it the first time.

I was also getting at the lack of textual integrity of your argument against tutors and tutoring, "because they haven't helped", since you yourself has obviously benefited with such a financial advantage. Your argument that kids can do really well by themselves is really inspirational and a hard thing to teach anyone. But still not everyone would need to go through such un-healthy lengths to achieve a great result nor someone who really cannot perform should debauch their lifestyle if they really cannot. Because by process of induction comparing Terrence Tao and Ramanujan with their their hardworking and privileged competition who they can naturally out perform at younger ages or little resources, proves that something else is being played at hand. This is a finality that the HSC "stage" as i like to think of it sought to cater for and this is why i think to value the ATAR or UAI is such a pointless competition, it is just a number that justifies discriminating between students enrolling in to University because it would be more unfair if it were on a first-come first-serve basis, financial basis or the politically incorrect "IQ-testing" and interviewing every single candidate would really achieve the same thing but is physically impossible. I don't think the Board of Studies educates students enough on how these things are actually calculated, because if you really understood it, it would illuminate that the results are highly "Abstract" and are hence pointless. Please do not interpret this as me discounting your intrinsic motivations, but your lack of mentioning what you wanted to get into and what you wanted to do in the future with that ranking says something to me, isn't that more important? Steve Jobs and Bill Gates achieved their goals for technology and fostered businesses that were at least at one point considered the best or richest in the world without any degree at all. There must be something more to some one's focus on their admission ranking than the actual number it self; Their Dream.
+1 mate.

The sole role of the HSC is to get people into uni so they can either start in their desired course or transfer into it if they deserve it. I do really wonder what the OP has to hide but not revealing what they got into or are studying at university. To get so hung up about an abstract number to the point of wasting a year of ones life is incredible weird. Ill add that Im one of the more competitive people you'll ever meet but did I cry when I didnt get 99.95 and try repeat? No because my ATAR was fine to get into the course I finally decided on (and before i decided on that course my atar wasnt high enough to get into what i wanted then but i wouldnt have felt any different). The biggest flaw in the whole system is the loophole that allows people to get so obsessed with it, to their great detriment.

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