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  • hahahah wow thats pretty cool! oh well ive just bummed around these past 2 days :p
    hopefully seeing friends & stuff next week!! :D
    yeah pretty good thanks!
    ahhh yes holidays YAYYY!!!
    need to recover after half yearlys haha!
    what've you been up to?
    thanks =]
    just hope it all goes back to normal when we go back to school. im sure it will.
    ahh i know. whats your essay on? im really stressed about half yearlies. i have ext maths & bio first day =( =(
    yeah a bit confused with my best friend atm. dont really know whats going on =[
    schools quite stressful lol. just finished an english essay & emailed it to my teacher. now im paranoid its not the right email lol.
    what about you?
    The one called Moll. Or Aaron.
    I don't know. Try searching through the pics thread. I've posted in there once or twice.
    oh that's good then! ^^

    OMG! what!! do u have French exchange students at ur school??? :O i wish!!!

    year 11 is so hectic! i've got a heap of work! just finished an ext. eng. essay :D

    how is year 12 going??? u coping well??? :) i bet u r! :D
    yeh i admit that would be difficult! but i'm glad you abused the hell out of him! :D he had no right to expose u! :(

    i have a french penpal :) she is my best friend from another country :) she is soo nice ^^ and she helps improve my French too! so i highly recommend it! you are so lucky to have someone at your work help you with your French!
    haha alright dani! :D

    awww there goes your privacy! :( that's awful! i'm determined to keep all my private info. to myself haha so things like that don't occur :p

    YAY! French BOS group! oh yeh! cos French is the coolest language of all time! ^^

    btw have you got a French penpal ..u correspond through email???? i've recommended that kitti gets one :)
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