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  • Better do it this week then, I am not sure if you will like the normal class, it is slow too, I think. Which Harry's did your friend go to? By the way, Burwood normal class is packed! Acceleration class is not. But if you love maths, you will love Harry. He goes in-depth, VERY in-depth. The topics covered by the normal class is not hard. This week they start integration then they do area and volume of integration which is very fun if you love mathematics!
    That's a tough one. The acceleration class is a fair way ahead. The normal class in my opinion is slow. Mmm...You should call the tutoring centre and ask for their advice and what is wrong with Pre-Uni?
    Normal, acceleration, 4 Unit. He works at Hurstville on weekdays, Burwood on weekends. 7 days a week. He only rests during holidays.
    If you ask Harry he will help you. However he teaches 7 days a week, so he is quite busy. I think there is a workshop run by Dr Wong after school. I have never seen it though, I think he has an accent that is hard to understand. Trust me, the topics are not difficult at all. :) I can also help if you need. Also I think he lets you study at centre during holidays.
    They combine the locus with the 3U course. The geometry of the derivative can be easily studied and the quadratic function is not that hard. Normal class is up to integration this week. If you are comfortable with the derivative, you should be able to understand this concept.
    Actually, well. We did this, before I came they started 2U Preliminary in Year 10. When I came they were done and started HSC 2U course. Now we are starting 3U Preliminary course, then HSC course. Have you started calculus? They are not that far ahead for the normal class. The tutor I had for Years 7-10 raced through the 3 Unit Preliminary course and HSC course which only gave us a general understanding of the concepts. Harry's goes deeper, he does it step by step so ANYONE can understand. It is absolutely amazing on how many topics you can cover in 2 hours at Harry's. If you want to go, only go for Mathematics.
    lol yeah. but i use to go to christian brothers college so i know some of the strathfield girls lol.
    Hi Spi the great collector of all pdfs,
    you wouldn't happen to have a link for the 3 unit year 12 Cambridge textbook
    and worked solutions link as well?
    i have no clue what you mean by that, haha.
    I'm aiming for veterinary science. Although, i still need to increase my study habits.
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