what most lecturers would say is:
1. get topic
2. find + read journal articles for said topic
3. PARAPHRASE the ideas of that article into your essay
but what i did was:
1. get topic
2. think about it for a while, come up with my own ideas on said topic
3. look for journal articles...
if I << key word I
was an employer i would hire someone that is well rounded.
went to usyd and didnt work throughout your whole degree? i'd bin your resume
went to UWS and worked full time, did some extracurriculars? you'd look more attractive in my eyes.
it really depends on the business...
having studied commerce myself, i found the best way to study was to just be able to relate concepts to real life, think critically and finish tute questions before each tute. oh and if you attend lectures, write notes. write shit that the lecturer emphasises on. if the lecture slide is missing...
nice book. where'd you get it?
i'd say 140 pg books should be sufficient for each subject - if you need any more, you can just get loose leafs w/ binders.
All commencing undergraduate students must enrol in BUSS1900 but have the option of withdrawing following a mandatory waiver test conducted during Orientation Week (O Week) preceding the start of each semester.
Re: Does FINC2011 have prerequsite?? Heres the link, (CANT UNDERSTAND)
doubt you'll have problems passing finc without having done stats + micro.
working with beta (the one related to correlation) might be mind boggling at first though.
INFS is shit easy. even if you don't study but at least attend lectures, you'll have no problem with cramming for the final exam. most people I know got at least 80 for this unit.
ACCT1006 is also good if you did fairly well in the first accounting unit.