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  1. jellybeenz

    Semester I exam chatter

    Good luck... at times like these, thats all you can hope for...
  2. jellybeenz

    Semester I exam chatter

    If you have ever walked into an exam completely unprepared, having done approximately 3 hours of study for something worth 50% (also having done less than the bare minimum all semester)... then you know how I'm feeling this morning. There is no possible way I can pass this exam. I feel a mix of...
  3. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Point taken. 6am is not really a time I'm all that familiar with. Of course it was.... but it doesn't mean its bullshit....
  4. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Because people think Arts is an easy, bullshit degree that doesn't mean anything. And that all Arts students do is smoke pot and debate philosophical issues etc... But this is far from the truth... I'd like to see a science student do the weekly readings we arts students are stuck with.
  5. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    And boy, don't I know that pain.
  6. jellybeenz

    Semester I exam chatter

    I was freezing today in psych and i wasnt even anywhere near the door... edited to add... i also wore long thick socks because of your warning lol and im thankful for that!
  7. jellybeenz

    Semester I exam chatter

    did you post that same message on the Psych Web CT forum? I swear I just read the exact same warning... lol
  8. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    This fucking sucks. I need my day off!
  9. jellybeenz

    good luck for exams

    anxiety dreams about exams also apply to those who don't care enough during the semester or during stuvac and then freak out the day/night before an exam, but I think I agree... 1time4theppl seems to care way too much, then again I'm guessing he'll be the one with a HD average...
  10. jellybeenz

    Who pays board to live at home?

    Yeah mine are the same as that. Fuck I need a job, I don't care if I pay board, I just hate them guilting me whenever I ask for money.
  11. jellybeenz

    The People of USyd

    I'm a usyd people, except I don't really post enough here to be known...
  12. jellybeenz

    Defining moments of uni

    Realising although I go to Uni every day and attend some lectures and most tutes- it doesn't necessarily mean I have done any work all semester or that I am able to write an essay on any topic we have supposedly covered. Realising that although I don't need to do the Reading to get by in...
  13. jellybeenz

    Girls and Guys as friends...

    my best friend is a gay male... im not attracted to him, so yes, i would say guys and girls can be *just* friends.... I have one guy friend who I'm somewhat close to, I've been in love with him forever, but somehow... I don't know, the more I become friends with him, the more friendly my...
  14. jellybeenz


    I love it, but my distinction made me love it more :)
  15. jellybeenz


    Mostly filling out questionaires and computer simulation thingys... its awesome... I love psych, my fave subject this semester!
  16. jellybeenz

    Are you happy with what you are currently studying (at USyd)?

    I do an Arts degree... I'm not looking down upon it... I just realised that its so easy not to turn up and just to coast through, but thats true about University in general. I don't know how much I'm enjoying the work. It could just be my own laziness.
  17. jellybeenz

    Are you happy with what you are currently studying (at USyd)?

    I don't know. I really don't know. I guess I knew what an Arts degree was going to be like, but I had no idea it would be just so easy to coast along and be happy with barely passing. Its true when they call it a Bachelor of Attendance-- and I would still fail. Its just so easy to not turn...
  18. jellybeenz


    Jesus your parents suck. I understand the no-privacy thing, I've never had any and my parents aren't even asian. But the no friends thing? That is harsh. Also I hate the racist attitude of some asian parents, I had a friend who was never allowed to hang around me coz I was white. I reckon...
  19. jellybeenz


    Don't worry about being immature. You'd be surprised how much year 12 (and finishing yr 12) can make you grow up. I'm guessing you are only 16, and by the time you turn 18 a million things will change. At 16 the amount of wild parties I had been to was limited but once Year 12 hit things changed...
  20. jellybeenz

    Looking 4ward to Holidays...

    Nah its for Ancient History... but dude, its killing me... I can't even start it... I have all day tomorrow though.