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  1. jellybeenz

    Looking 4ward to Holidays...

    I need these holidays badly. I'm so sick of doing work. One more essay then I am free until exams... now if only I could start this essay that is due on Tuesday...
  2. jellybeenz

    Semester Two subjects

    Semester 1 ENGL1025 - Fiction, Film and Power ANHS1003 - Greece SCLG1001 - Introduction to Sociology 1 PSYC1001 - Psychology 1001 Semester 2 SCLG1002 - Introduction to Sociology 2 ENGL1015 - Inventing Modernity **ANHS1004 - Near East and Rome PSYC1002 - Psychology 1002...
  3. jellybeenz

    What's the best way to tell someone you like them??

    Funnily enough the dude I like wrote "Chris's Property" across my back in bright red texta one drunken night. I like this guy, I've hinted to the point I'm embarrassed how much I've hinted. Everyone knows. He knows. But because its just hinting, you never get the definite rejection. I feel...
  4. jellybeenz


    I have an essay worth 35% due tomorrow. I haven't started yet. Ugh.
  5. jellybeenz

    A few questions that need to be answered ( about uni )

    Dude, don't aim for 70, aim higher and you will achieve it, I promise! Everyone pretty much came out at the end of the HSC thinking they had barely passed and that kinda taught me that the HSC isn't that hard and with a decent amount of work-- 80-90 is achievable by anyone. I have a friend...
  6. jellybeenz

    myuni email account

    I have mail in German as well!!! Weirdness... I only got two e-mails though... hopefully they will fix it, here I was thinking that some German club or group typed in the wrong e-mail address...
  7. jellybeenz


    So this is the letter we got in the mail telling us how much debt we are in? If it is, is the number we got for a semester or a whole year?
  8. jellybeenz

    What happens if you go over the word limit?

    Mine was about 200 words over the limit... I think most peoples was over the limit... I only wrote it was 100 over the limit on the coversheet tho Heh. Its better than every other essay I have handed in, they have all been about 150 words under the limit...
  9. jellybeenz

    Your University

    The very long breaks in my timetable and the fact that my course is too big and its really hard to be with the same people all the time (although this is good when you want to avoid someone). I don't like a lot of the snobby people as well.
  10. jellybeenz

    Who got elected onto the union?

    I think Marc is a cutie... he handed me a leaflet saying "vote for the most photogenic candidate" so I think he may know it as well :P
  11. jellybeenz

    VSU Rally vs. Tuts and Lectures?

    I really liked the whole union election thing! I loved getting bombarded with papers and everyone wanted to convince me to vote for them. I think I'm in the minority though. I voted for Katy, I'm glad she got in.
  12. jellybeenz


    Wow... I'm so impressed!! I have had a whole weekend to do research, read up on and write two essays. I just finished one, but its too long and I still have to cut it down and rephrase a bit. At least I have tomorrow to do that. Now I have another essay due on Friday and I'm hoping to...
  13. jellybeenz

    How easy do you fall for a guy/gurl?

    I fall for people about as easy as I get over people. Hah. Yeah I'm still not over this one guy and its been 2 years lol
  14. jellybeenz

    Best Friends

    Dude... I feel for you, I really do... That is a shitty situation. There is nothing you can do but wait for the relationship to dissolve. I'd advise you to try and get over it, but boy do I know what its like to be in love with someone and see them with someone else, wishing it was you... Its...
  15. jellybeenz


    about $24.70 in the bank, around $3.80 in my wallet.... I need a goddam job....
  16. jellybeenz


    Got 2 essays due next week, then 1 the week after that, then another the week after that... Its all good... havent looked at any of the questions yet though... was supposed to start them this weekend, oh wells
  17. jellybeenz

    VSU Rally vs. Tuts and Lectures?

    I didnt go to class... marched, sat around on the grass in the sun, smoked, played frisbee, listened to some tunes, heard some jokes and some discussion, talked to abc radio and was on the radio, laid around on the grass a bit more--- before heading to manning for a beer with some friends...
  18. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    I passed the test!!! (not by much, but Yay!)!!!
  19. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001 tute times

    I hate a tute at 10am on Wednesday morning (tomorrow).... hope it helps!
  20. jellybeenz

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    You know what jumb, you are right! lol Uni friends dont judge you for doing those things either.