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  1. jellybeenz


    I'll let you know when I find out... I've kinda been a bit too shy to ask.... we shall see when I get paid... which should be sometime at the end of this week...
  2. jellybeenz

    What are you currently Reading?

    Hey Darkfall is pretty good.... but if you want a good fantasy to start with, I reckon Obernewtyn series by the same author is better as a starting point.... I don't like Fantasy all that much but I really like all the authors books.
  3. jellybeenz

    HSTY 1044 - 10442?

    What? im confused...
  4. jellybeenz

    What Should I Do!!!????

    Mostly Uni students with daytime availability for lunchtime rush- i.e. shifts from 12-3 or 11-4 are quite common... Oh and mostly availability during the weekdays, not weekends...
  5. jellybeenz

    What Should I Do!!!????

    Hey, you could try where I work... I just got a job and I think they still need people.. Its the Wellbeing company- fast healthy food place-- just find one around the place and go in and ask about finding a job... they'll tell you where you have to go and what you have to do...
  6. jellybeenz


    Thats where I hope to be working soon...!! Man... it feels good to get a job...
  7. jellybeenz


    Just updating this-- they gave me a job!!!!! Finally... I am employed, its been a loooooooong year but finally I have a job!!!!!
  8. jellybeenz

    what's sociology like?

    Its boring as shit... too many readings and its full of bullshit... I'm being honest about my opinion... but in my experience it isn't really that difficult- exam is open book, umm... helps if you do the readings but god the readings are loooong and boring... lectures are stupid, the online...
  9. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    I know... lol... u shoulda seen it before I changed to english 1005, it was horrible! I've heard bad things about english 1005 as well, but I chose it partly because it fitted in with my timetable better than the other english subject and partly because I figure I need to learn some grammar...
  10. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Here is my brand new timetable following a change of subject, i like it much much better.... I only have one more alteration to make in person, then it will be perfection!!
  11. jellybeenz


    Hah! I had decided I was going to call Wellbeing, I found the phone number and stuff but I hadn't gotten around to it yet. Anyways... just sitting here reading the Uni forums and the phone rings! Its Wellbeing to call me in for an interview... Ugh... now I'm scared, I don't really know much...
  12. jellybeenz

    complete this sentence pt 2

    another word for hysteria.
  13. jellybeenz

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Does anyone know if you can go and change your timetable during the holidays? Is the place to do this open? I just wanna avoid queues if possible...
  14. jellybeenz


    I got a phonecall from Wellbeing for an interview but it was on my last day of exams and I had an important exam so I couldn't go... I'm not really experienced with this kinda thing, but do you think I should give them a call and see if they are still interviewing people or not? Or has the...
  15. jellybeenz

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    Hmmm... If its a b'day and you are going with people you can have fun with, the view is really nice and if you are only planning on staying a little while, it should be fine... I was just saying don't expect something fantastic and perhaps be prepared to make your own fun...
  16. jellybeenz

    just a couple of questions...

    1. Ack... don't analyse things so much!! I'm so hypocritical to say this to you, coz I do the same things but just kinda let things happen, because the best things in life are unexpected and unplanned, especially things like kissing... 2. Yes and No. Don't start the relationship off with a...
  17. jellybeenz

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    Cruise Bar? I think its shit.... I was there on Saturday night and can't say I really had a good time at all, apart from a cocktail that was yummy like an ice-cream. I thought it was boring.... Too many older sleazes who want to pick up young 18 year olds...
  18. jellybeenz


    Yeah then she goes around feeling like shit and you don't actually have to do anything about it... Just grow a backbone and tell her the truth, because if she actually likes you she is gonna feel like shit either way, now if you tell her the truth that you don't want a relationship and you...
  19. jellybeenz

    Kissing Compability?

    At least you don't have a nasty hickey to show for it... ugh...
  20. jellybeenz

    Kissing Compability?

    Shit... that was last night for me as well... Freaky...