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  1. jellybeenz

    SRC Elections 2005

    Generally liberal is used as being the opposite to conservative. The Liberal (big L) Party is considered a Conservative party. The Labor Party is considered more liberal (small l).
  2. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    We just don't happen to believe that a single event points to the character of an entire nation.
  3. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    Nah dude... it was directed at Mr. Prejudiced, I was trying to see if he'd admit he's a prejudiced fuck and sure enough he has revealed it. But those are some interesting points that you raise, of course culture and social context means that people will react differently. I still maintain...
  4. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    This has gone beyond offensive. Supercharged. You really do believe that Americans are sitting around in their houses waiting for an opportunity to rape, murder and steal. And that every single person in South East Asia is filled with goodwill toward their neighbour.
  5. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    What are you implying in pointing out that the US is the only country to react in this way? I'm just curious. Whats the point you are making?
  6. jellybeenz

    Architecture: USyd or UNSW?

    Sure thing! She'd be happy to help...
  7. jellybeenz

    Architecture: USyd or UNSW?

    lol... romantic notions about usyd.... i had that... then i came here and well... the buildings are still pretty and the grass is pretty awesome My friend does architecture at usyd.... she loves it... she's not really an outgoing person but ive never seen her so happy in her life...
  8. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    Jennylim, That is what I unsuccessfully tried to convey in my posts last night. It was late, I was tired. Then he started talking about cannabilism.
  9. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    The relief effort could be shit anywhere. If you acknowledge that then you acknowledge that humans anywhere can act like that. It happened in America and horrible flaws were revealed in their infrastructure, let it be a lesson to everyone that countries must have clear disaster plans. I...
  10. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    You really are bordering on racism here. I take offence. I'm an American. I feel that you are implying that because I'm an American I am more likely to kill or rape someone in times of disaster.
  11. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    I think your argument is flawed. I was just merely pointing out how the pictures you presented could be politically biased. Anything can happen anywhere. You can console yourself with the idea that Americans are somehow innately evil or that it could only happen there, but the fact is that...
  12. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    I'm saying the media in China is officially monitored by the Government. I'm saying the media in America is not monitored by the government (I'm not saying there is no govt influence however). I'm also saying that America isn't that different to anywhere else in the world, so what makes you...
  13. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    Um... do the chinese letters mean the pics are from a Chinese source? Because that means there is obvious bias and considering that China doesn't have freedom of the press and that their newspapers are monitored by the "Publicity Department" aka ex-Department of Propaganda. There is obvious...
  14. jellybeenz

    Architecture: USyd or UNSW?

    About 150 I think.... Um... Dunno which is better known....
  15. jellybeenz

    SRC Elections 2005

    Phanatical, I'm sure you are a nice bloke in person, but dude... the way you say things... I dunno: It just sounds, I dunno... a little over the top if you ask me, I know you feel strongly about your cause but its something about the way you say things, just makes me feel as if you feel...
  16. jellybeenz

    SRC Elections 2005

    Ah but he doesn't quietly slink away like most people... he whinges like a sooky baby about how everyone is racist and how The Con is soooooo disadvantaged because they dont have parking blah blah blah blah
  17. jellybeenz

    SRC Elections 2005

    I think its just stupid that you made "if you don't vote for Quah, you're a racist" as one of your slogans. My friends and I saw that slogan and couldn't believe somebody could be so pathetic as to write that. Oooh I thought that Nick Wood dude was cute as well, nice too... he came and...
  18. jellybeenz

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    Oh god yes. Seedy to the extreme... Empire underneath is even seedier though. Ugh. It smells like feet.
  19. jellybeenz

    Minoan Essay Notes

    I'd just like to let you guys know that I uploaded some Minoan essay notes I found on my computer from when I did the HSC, I don't know how good they are or not, but just letting you know in case you are stuck. They are mainly the notes I made in the days coming up to the exam, so pretty brief...
  20. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    Yeah because that would be wrong.