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  1. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    This morning I turned on CNN which was showing various shots of the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. I switched to FOX News and they were talking about how the community had banded together in New Orleans- then showed a shot of the Park commenting how green the grass was. Take it as you will.
  2. jellybeenz

    Michael Moore's Open Letter To George Bush

    The state may have been disorganised but the total devastation that has indeed occurred is far beyond that of the capabilities of a single state to remedy. This cannot be compared at all the Redfern or Macquarie Fields riots at all (which involved at most a hundred people). Almost an entire...
  3. jellybeenz

    why did you chose the degree you are doing?

    I liked English and History at school- so bang, Arts degree was the next logical step. I also lack direction and dislike work.
  4. jellybeenz

    what is the biggest negative of..

    I just spent the night out with friends- man there is this couple i know- they put the Open in Open relationship... they are both allowed to do exactly what they like with whoever they like, the only thing is that I think they have to ask the other if they wanna sleep with someone else and this...
  5. jellybeenz

    Bachelor of Arts ???

    Really? my friend does it and he said it was a requirement of the degree... I dunno, I don't do it so I'm relying on second hand info anyway
  6. jellybeenz

    Bachelor of Arts ???

    Bachelor of Arts Adv requires you to undertake 2nd year subjects in first year- therefore requiring more senior level credit points than just a regular Arts degree. You also get Arts Adv written on your degree, it also requires a higher uai, I'm not sure about other specifics... In Arts I...
  7. jellybeenz

    What are you currently Reading?

    Just finished The Quiet American- I thought I was going to hate it but I ended up really getting into it and liking it a lot.
  8. jellybeenz


    Dont worry! They will have your uniform waiting for you to change into when you get there! Just in case tho, do the whole black pants white shirt thing, but they almost definitely will have the uniform waiting there for you. Oh and you can where whatever shoes you like, but I find my old...
  9. jellybeenz

    Update me on VSU

    I guess if you say it, it must be true.
  10. jellybeenz

    Update me on VSU

    I went... but I left at about 2:30, I didnt see anyone arrested... Man... sometimes I hate these rallies-- I feel like they give me hope, make me feel like we can still fight VSU, make me feel like we can make a difference-- all for a couple of hours. Then I come home and the reality sets in...
  11. jellybeenz

    when you give up...

    I know we are all only young, but still-- you can't help but feel like giving up sometimes. Sometimes I feel like love is just something that was not meant to happen to me- I know I'm young and have my whole life ahead of me but when I see my friends around me in loving relationships... I...
  12. jellybeenz


    Nah at North Sydney at the moment....
  13. jellybeenz

    Re-O Day

    I havent been there before this semester when I discovered the blueberry bagel that was the nicest thing ever... but thats all I've ever had from there...
  14. jellybeenz

    Are commerce/business degrees replacing arts degrees?

    Man... you really have no idea... Just because Arts doesn't appeal to you, it doesn't mean its not useful, its useful for learning about life, history, languages, culture, current affairs, literature, philosophy, art... etc etc Arts is learning about People- our past, our present and our future-...
  15. jellybeenz


    As an 18 year old, I earn 12.07 an hour, which I guess is minimum wage... oh wells... its a job...
  16. jellybeenz

    Re-O Day

    Go to the coffee shop on bottom floor and have a blueberry bagel- it will change your life. Well, its changed mine.
  17. jellybeenz

    Re-O Day

    I walked near manning, heard noise... saw people dancing, saw bbq... ate free bbq and had a free coke. Really it wasn't that shit... there was free food!
  18. jellybeenz

    Psyc missing from webct

    Psych definitely has a Webct entry.... since our first psyc lectures are tomorrow perhaps they'll say something then.
  19. jellybeenz

    Primary Ed/Arts?

    For Primary Education, its a bit different to Secondary- In Primary Education you only take 1 Arts subject and follow it throughout the degree- so if you love history, you can choose history as your Arts subject and the other 3 subjects are all your compulsary Primary Education subjects.
  20. jellybeenz

    What Should I Do!!!????

    Kick Juice at Broadway is looking for people, they called me for an interview today but I already have a job-- maybe you can try there?