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  1. kashkow

    Forced to drop to Standard by School

    Then I think in general they're being immature if it is reasonable and respectful (and I mean this respectfully. I understand everyone may have faults or personal things going on). Obviously anyone may get offended if you are rude about it or do it just for the lolz to put the teacher down...
  2. kashkow

    Forced to drop to Standard by School

    I had 2 paragraphs of responses (and writing more) but suddenly I lost it all... Rewriting... What advice are you guys giving?? Who do you think she is talking with? A five year old??? I'm pretty sure the English faculty at her school would be more mature than to get offended by a student...
  3. kashkow

    Trouble with formatting responses

    Not sure if this is helpful/relevant to you, but scroll down to Studies of Religion: Then click on a Band 5/6 response. Maybe you could extract/identify factual evidence from here?
  4. kashkow

    FREE Physics Tutoring (jks just free help) Thread

    Physics Resource Well guys. I have found an invaluable resource that I want to share, which will help not only in Physics but across a broad range of subjects. I actually discovered this a while ago but haven't shared it yet and just kept it to myself. However I was sharing it in another post...
  5. kashkow

    BOSTES sample answers

    I'm really sorry, I just looked and the link above ^^ doesn't have bio exemplars (that I saw). I think they are also missing engineering ones too, so it seems they are missing some from a few subjects (which is strange seeing how Bio seems pretty popular course, so they should provide some?)...
  6. kashkow

    BOSTES sample answers

    haha I first saw exemplars for physics and really wanted more badly, and took me a bit to actually find exemplars for other subjects. Then I found BOSTES provides 'em for almost ALL subjects and it was awesome!! They are really gold material and I really have found the jackpot (though they only...
  7. kashkow

    need help/advice

    Well my advice would be, for most subjects except English: really try identify the areas in which you are weak in for each subject and compile this into a list. To do this you may want to do a practice paper and mark it yourself or get a peer or teacher to mark. Wherever you get wrong ensure to...
  8. kashkow

    BOSTES sample answers

    Good point. To add to that, get some exemplars online, I can give a link if you want. It gives students examples of B1-6 for different past papers.
  9. kashkow

    BOSTES sample answers

    Well if they are right then they may just be very specific. Remember the marker is only looking for the answer to the question and if you can do that in a word, then they have to give you the mark. So in the second example, if they are looking for TWO things then they only want TWO things, not...
  10. kashkow

    BOSTES sample answers

    Hmm seems a bit dodgy.. It's sorta hard to tell how accurate the sample answers are because I don't do bio. However if it seems too short I'd recommend using the ideas or concepts that the sample answers have (if they are correct answers) and adapting them to match the key word of "Explain"...
  11. kashkow

    BOSTES sample answers

    Can you provide an example?
  12. kashkow

    Best HSC notes for chemistry, physics and biology?

    There's romesh's for physics (and chem I believe): I've scanned through them and they seem pretty good, covering syllabus dot points. You could annotate your own stuff if you want to add more detail. Only...
  13. kashkow

    FREE Physics Tutoring (jks just free help) Thread

    Medical Physics
  14. kashkow

    FREE Physics Tutoring (jks just free help) Thread

    Still welcoming any comments, questions or concerns you may have with HSC Physics. Feel free to ask!
  15. kashkow

    FREE Physics Tutoring (jks just free help) Thread

    Physics Advice (by jazz519) This is some really good advice for doing well in HSC physics! All credit of this goes to jazz519 from this post! "Hey for these subjects it often requires a lot of natural...
  16. kashkow

    Band 6

    All of this is really strong advice!! Thanks for your time in putting this together. One of the most important things said here is to do past papers, find weak areas and build upon those weak areas, because if you can identify and then work on weak areas it's much more likely you will get it...
  17. kashkow

    FREE Physics Tutoring (jks just free help) Thread

    Physics Advice Here's some study advice I posted the other day on another thread on how to study for HSC physics: - Make a list of all physics sub-topics that you can think of that you are not confident in; I recommend going against listing the syllabus dot points as you may not...
  18. kashkow

    Subject Choice Advice

    It's not that hard. I got like 50% in my term 1 assessment in year 10 and I do extension 1 and am alright with 3U. Also you can drop down from 3U but I don't think you could go up from 2U. I feel like if I did just 2U it'd be so easy and I'd smash it...
  19. kashkow

    ATAR Estimate

    Guess it comes down to the individual and their performance in the HSC exams. Obviously not everyone with just 3 band 6's and rest lower bands will get 99, like it's not guaranteed or anything, but I guess it is possible so it's potentially achievable given hard work and doing well in particular...