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  1. _dhj_

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    There are two elements to this sort of policy. Obviously, they believed that certain races were causing most of the trouble. Another reason may be that interactions between different races in settings where patrons are frequently intoxicated tend to be problematic. Maybe this means that their...
  2. _dhj_

    Should Australia Develop Nuclear Weapons

    Well having resources induce others to take them. In that case there is a greater need to defend oneself. Just look at the Middle East. Economic power is important but so is military bargaining power. The two go hand in hand, and military bargaining power affords a country license for its...
  3. _dhj_

    Should Australia Develop Nuclear Weapons

    Well I don't think the A-US is beneficial for Australia either. Unlike 'liberal' western nations, the Asian nations within our region respect power first and foremost. That is an aspect of its culture. For example, while Australians and Europeans tend to be 'anti-american', Asians regard the...
  4. _dhj_

    Should Australia Develop Nuclear Weapons

    I think ideally we ought to develop nuclear weapons but realistically it's not going to happen in the foreseeable future. The U.S. would not allow us to develop them, and given their historical influence on Australian politics and actual military presence in Australia, it would be difficult for...
  5. _dhj_

    Blackout threat for music thieves

    I think the faceless music labels should reconsider their options instead of lobbying for more ridiculous laws and making laughable threats. The fact is that the internet has changed the way people consume media. It's changed the way they spend money. Instead of whinging, the labels should adapt...
  6. _dhj_

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong. But from a business point of view, there comes a certain point where a discriminatory policy may be needed to ensure safety for its staff and patrons. Of course, the policies aren't ideal, but they aren't just plucked out of the air because someone...
  7. _dhj_

    Racist pub bans Arabs, Islanders

    I don't think it's simply a case of 'private property'. If this was the policy of a department store or supermarket I'm sure the public would be outraged (although they could always argue that certain racial profiles are more prone to shoplifting). It's a different story for premises like pubs...
  8. _dhj_

    SMH - Rate my teachers headline article

    But that would make it a more respected 'source' for ranking teachers, increasing its potential to 'defame'. A tongue in cheek style website is more suitable for this sort of thing.
  9. _dhj_

    Law classes too big at USyd

    It's hard to imagine having 70 in our class though... you can probably only fit that many in lecture theatres at law school (or any other lecture facility for that matter). I think the Contracts format, on the other hand, works fairly well.
  10. _dhj_

    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    I doesn't bother me when someone cries, whether if it's a guy or a girl. When someone cries a lot it just means that they're more sensitive and emotional than the average person, it doesn't mean they're 'weak' or whatever you call it. Also, crying is generally an involuntary reaction. What they...
  11. _dhj_

    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    I think that's pretty harsh but it seems to be men's stance on other men crying (just think of that scene in Lantana when LaPaglia bumps into the old guy ;) ). Of course what women think of men that cry is a totally different question.
  12. _dhj_


    Basically it's decent for shopping and nightlife. Melbourne is all about the CBD. Compared to Sydney the suburbs aren't as diverse, but public transport is awesome and there's plenty of things to do in the city.
  13. _dhj_

    Why we need religion....

    Okay sure but that's part of the reason why he takes the slavery shit, otherwise he would unite with his fellow slaves and overthrow the owner. In fact the social changes like gender and racial equality, the sexual revolution etc. tended to coincide with the secularisation of society.
  14. _dhj_

    Why we need religion....

    In that sense I think the existence of religion is natural. When so many ask questions there will be those that purport to have the answers. At the risk of trivialising the issue, it's simply a case of demand driving supply, and suppliers trying to influence demand through marketing.
  15. _dhj_

    Why we need religion....

    This post made me smile on the inside.
  16. _dhj_

    Howard's Nuclear Plan

    Surely a decent measure for "out right" danger is the number of deaths caused (or likely number in the future considering magnitute of the risk and degree of harm). Don't be ridiculous....
  17. _dhj_

    Howard's Nuclear Plan

    ??? Mining is obviously consistent with Labor ideals. Maybe not with Greens ideals but certainly with Labor's.
  18. _dhj_

    Howard's Nuclear Plan

    Yes we definately need to increase uranium mining and invest in the enrichment of uranium in order to profitise on the global warming euphoria and rise in the demand for alternative energy around the world. Howard is stating the obvious.
  19. _dhj_

    do any of these films represent 'changing self' ???

    Maria Full of Grace is decent if you want to tackle the 'real issues' like poverty, drug trafficking, the migrant experience etc.
  20. _dhj_

    A fall, a rape and $240,000 in compensation

    You're right actually. I was thinking of the damages awarded for trespass. You can get around the 'if it was against an individual' argument by the fact that a reasonable Council ought to have had more factors in contemplation than an individual. However it is hard to construe the council's...