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  1. _dhj_

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    Sorry but that is the highest I can be bothered to put it at the moment. If you choose to deny my point without actually putting an argument forward I won't waste my time to make further examples.
  2. _dhj_

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    If the firm gains 5 units from the innovation, but the industry and society gains 100 units from the same innovation, the firm would only be willing to invest up to 5 units into education and training to make the investment break even. These sort of innovations occur quite often when the firm...
  3. _dhj_

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    By 'real advances' i was referring to innovations that create positive flow on results to the rest of a particular industry or society at large. Investment into that sort of innovation will always be undersupplied by market forces because they only take into account the benefit the individual...
  4. _dhj_

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    I respect that view, but real advances in society are made by those who seek to expand the mind and not those who are merely 'doing their job'. These individual advances don't have to be great leaps forward, and can take place in any field. They are what takes society forward as a whole.
  5. _dhj_

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    I havn't read through the whole thread but generally I agree with Nebuchanezzar's views on tertiary education. Personally I believe universities should be about the education. You go to uni at least partially for the sake of pursuing knowledge per se and not merely for the sake of obtaining...
  6. _dhj_

    songs about murder

    He should be singing some fluffy pop song.
  7. _dhj_

    Law classes too big at USyd

    I'm not sure how it is elsewhere but for Contracts we have a large group lecture/small group tutorial system.
  8. _dhj_

    Push to Give TAFE Students HECS Loans

    It's not a case of finding out the "exact" amount. With any policy there are trade-offs, so it depends on the values of our society and who we vote into government. Do we want a case where only an elite class can afford education? That outcome would obviously not be the most efficient because...
  9. _dhj_

    Push to Give TAFE Students HECS Loans

    Government decides for the people because the people literally can't be bothered to make laws and reach decisions through a system of direct democracy on every individual issue. Nowadays Acts of parliament are much more complex than they used to be, and to expect the average Joe to partake in...
  10. _dhj_

    Jews are geniuses, says controversial author

    It's not really a post-holocaust thing. I mean the holocaust took place partly because jews were in all the important positions - e.g. 80% of department stores were Jewish owned and many lawyers and doctors were Jewish at that time in Germany.
  11. _dhj_

    Jews are geniuses, says controversial author

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. Jews are also overrepresented in the arts, commerce, law, government - basically in all the important professions.
  12. _dhj_

    Virginia Tech Shootings (Merged)

    Re: Virginia Tech Shootings Yeah but then you'd be labelled as a "terrorist" rather than a murderer.
  13. _dhj_

    Virginia Tech Shootings (Merged)

    Re: Virginia Tech Shootings I think this is just a case of the guy having a dark personality. We all know these people - attracted to the violent and macabre and possessing suicidal tendencies. Some are worse than others. Of course gun laws would minimise these occurrences but you can't blame...
  14. _dhj_

    Push to Give TAFE Students HECS Loans

    It's not about 'us stupid people' versus the government. It's common sense that providing an interest free loan for students with little or no earning capacity or ability to contribute to society, so that they can gain that earning and contribution capacity is good policy. We rely on the...
  15. _dhj_

    Push to Give TAFE Students HECS Loans

    I think volition's argument is ridiculous. If education is a positive externality the choice shouldn't be given to the "average Joe", because the positive externality by definition is under-supplied when things are left to market forces.
  16. _dhj_

    Push to Give TAFE Students HECS Loans

    One of the effects of HECS, whether intentional or not, is encouraging students with the required marks to choose University Education over TAFE Education. If that is a desired effect this would obviously be a bad idea.
  17. _dhj_

    Most Over-rated/Under-rated and the most Disappointing/Surprisingly good Games?

    I don't like the idea of moving towards "realism" in games. Games should provide an escape from real life not an imitation of it. That's the main reason why games aren't as fun as they used to be.
  18. _dhj_

    The Bible

    Of course you need a "purpose". You just don't need god to guide you to it.
  19. _dhj_


    lol overrated analogy...
  20. _dhj_

    Law at UQ or Murdoch?

    I'm sure it's just fine. It all depends on the ability and ambition of the individual student. Law schools with reputation tend to attract more highly capable students. So best of luck to you as there's a long road ahead.