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  1. E

    3 hours a night is not enough!

    here's a tip: don't do the homework if you don't have time. Just make sure you keep up with your summaries and are ahead. Homework i found was a waste of time - you benefit more by targeting areas that you know are weak for you rather than doing what the teacher says. Sure it pissed them off...
  2. E

    General Exam thoughts

    lol i fucking bullshitted so much for that Aboriginal question. Made it sound so damn convincing though.
  3. E

    For 1 Unit - Will it count?

    from messing around with sam i'd say if i got 42 or over it would count.
  4. E

    What's everyone doing to celebrate?

    Re: Celebrating? lol i asked 4unitfreak and she didn't seem too happy. i want my money back. =]
  5. E

    Multiple Choice Analysis

    going from what most of you guys got i would've got 9/10. (for q 10 I had b -- just a random guess)
  6. E

    What does everyone think they got???

    yeah at least 40 i'd say yet most people found it easy so they might mark that case at least > 36
  7. E

    General Exam thoughts

    just your standard sor exam i.e. syllabus points for questions nothing surprising almost cbf to write much but i forced myself
  8. E


    i don't do ancient, but keep it up guys! just think of yourself in a week's time - freedom at last - enjoy the moment (i daresay!)......
  9. E

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    turkey eh? they think we're gonna calculate the time it takes to cook a turkey on christmas day?!?!
  10. E

    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    what was your aim (still might be achievable)?
  11. E

    Christmas.... what are you asking for??

    I'm asking for nothing and not expecting anything (like usual). Christmas used to be good but it's just gone downhill in our family. I guess all i can say i want is a tasty lunch.
  12. E

    Number of pages of Ext1 English

    geez save some trees will ya? =P
  13. E

    so...? crime fiction module A

    even though it was simple, i believe i performed somewhere in between shit and average. (that's what you get for studying the night before!)
  14. E

    It's OVER!!

    yeah finally i can now enjoy english properly and read/view the texts that I want to - not be forced.
  15. E


    I love you. you give us weaklings some glint of hope. :)
  16. E

    maths questions i dont get

    what sort of shit question is that? doesn't give you enough info duh
  17. E

    kill the hsc

    only females seem to have breakdowns (or are the only ones to admit it)
  18. E

    Full raw mark?

    well this year i'd say there would be a fair few because it was such an easy test and no questions were from left field.
  19. E

    who is so over english that they are finding it extremely difficult to study for ext

    Re: who is so over english that they are finding it extremely difficult to study for nope