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  1. C

    Queen 'must die' for republic

    Bring back the Plantagenets! :D
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. copied from another forum: The erratic and unprecedented behaviour of the FFA. this is not solely a rant about the Jets but it is something that I would like you to all read.The corrupt and injust practices of the FFA have now reached draconian proportions!!I...
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    Queen 'must die' for republic

    Australians would watch anything if there was a gold medal for it :rolleyes:
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    hair ideas

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    Official Apology Thread

    Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12 Upper class welfare? :D
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    Queen 'must die' for republic

    I agree Prince Charles is a quasi-Muslim inbred (well they all are, but it seems to show more in his case, look at the guy) freak, I don't want him as our sort-of head of state :D
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    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Re: Young Liberal / Young Labour False, they're stupid False, he just tells the masses what they want to hear but John Howard had enough courage and vision not to say, to his own demise :( False, the recession will come swiftly and harshly False, he started ratifying bullshit as soon as he...
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    Official Apology Thread,23599,23118012-421,00.html Discuss!
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    Suharto is finally dead!

    Hitler would have invoked Godwin's law
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    Suharto is finally dead!

    Sounds like you would have attended Hitler's funeral
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    Youths charged on Australia day

    Re: Australia is a nation of violent drunks no we really are Straya is a poor man's europe
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    Youths charged on Australia day

    Re: Australia is a nation of violent drunks Basically what that means is unlike the rest of the world we have no culture, just working and boozing that's why we're a laughing stock in Europe, Asia and everywhere else
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    Suharto is finally dead!

    oh Krudd will be there for sure, he loves sucking up to those yellow types apparently he speaks one of their languages, if you hadn't heard
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    Suharto is finally dead!

    let's picket his funeral "GOD HATES FORMER INDONESIAN DICTATORS"
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    Australian Open

    you guys wouldn't happen to be croats would you? :D
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    Church of Scientology are you getting the facts?

    even more ironic when he's an educator :D
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    Should sodomy be a crime?

    And 2003 was the year that the USA began its bankrupting, soldier wasting invasion of Iraq Further proof that God is punishing the fag-enablers
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    Should sodomy be a crime?

    An australian man was arrested in Fiji for gay sex back in 05 obviously they manage it somehow
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    Should sodomy be a crime?

    Do you think sodomy (sexual acts other than intercourse between a man and a woman) should be punishable by law in Australia? Essentially Australia is currently a free-for-all for sodomy, with only QLD still having laws to protect under 18s from sodomite sex perverts...
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    Youths charged on Australia day

    Re: Australia is a nation of violent drunks dude they had the footage on the tv news there was a whole crowd of drunk flag wearers fighting :o