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  1. Shadowdude

    Triple major in a B.Commerce

    So you've checked you can just 'drop' the Arts component? Well, okay I'll take your word for it. I'm not sure about the applications for internships but you don't need to do 3 majors, just do really, really well in your remaining subjects - so try and do really well this year, and see how you...
  2. Shadowdude

    UNSW Actuarial Studies Timetable.

    Never ever press Auto Enrol.
  3. Shadowdude

    is 3 lectures in 1 day too much?

    If you can get it that way... might be nice. But that's four days a week. But remember, Week 1 is only lectures and Week 13 is only tutorials - so if you can bunch it up so you have a nice timetable also in Week 1 and 13, that's the best way. So bunch it up to what is convenient. You don't...
  4. Shadowdude

    Language Placement Test?

    Uni is uni, no one is there to hold your hand. That quiz is designed for you to figure out what's most appropriate for you. You can enrol in whatever you want - there's no loophole. I'd suggest doing the quiz anyway just to make sure you don't find yourself in either a piss-easy class where you...
  5. Shadowdude

    Triple major in a B.Commerce

    Well, what you can do is some sort of damage control and do Commerce subjects purely to boost your WAM and then see if you can get the transfer. Also I don't think you can triple major in a single Commerce degree anyway - there's simply too many credit points needed.
  6. Shadowdude

    2012 MATH1151 rollcall

    I'd suggest you take 1141. 1151 is for Actuarial. I know 1151 says 'Actuarial and Finance' but the "maths" in Finance is... to use a term an Honours student uses, "a crock".
  7. Shadowdude

    Age Difference

    tell that to brynne edelstein (sp?)
  8. Shadowdude

    2 questions! :(

    Yep, then it is for your degree then.
  9. Shadowdude

    UNSW Chatter Thread 2013

    Re: Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread 2013 Yeah so you can borrow things from the library and also a place to get your student concession sticker so we pay half price for transport.
  10. Shadowdude

    Course Selection for Science/Education (sec)

    Okay so you're going to follow the sample plan - alright. To answer your question, yes. You just pick subjects within those categories - I agree the sample program isn't very specific at all but here's what I reckon it is: This semester, you should then do as you said: Level 1 Biology...
  11. Shadowdude

    is 3 lectures in 1 day too much?

    3 lectures? If it's 3 x 2 hour lectures - then I hope you have a break between them. If it's tutes, yeah that should be fine. Might get quizzes or so in the same week and you'll have multiple tests on the same day though.
  12. Shadowdude

    Is having all my tutes this close together a bad idea?

    If possible, I pair up lectures and tutes for that reason. That way, I can skip a lecture beforehand if I must. I've actually skipped a few lectures to focus on a test in the tutorial in the next time slot. I find that a good system but... again, depends on how flexible you are with your...
  13. Shadowdude

    Confused...very confused...HELP!

    So I'm assuming it's this: 1. You're talking about the Sample program? I'm not sure where you're looking. 2. Yes, but if you can find a course that'll definitely count towards your degree like an Education core or another...
  14. Shadowdude

    Is having all my tutes this close together a bad idea?

    The thing with that is that you may find yourself in a situation where ECON1101 and 1203 put their class tests on the same week and you have two straight hours of tests. So... yeah. But if that's the best you can do, then well... just have to study up I suppose. I don't like putting tutes near...
  15. Shadowdude

    Rate my timetable/10 (CommSci)

    Figure out something to do during your breaks. Obviously some of them will be lunch breaks but... if you can figure out what to do with breaks - you're set.
  16. Shadowdude

    Doing the HSC with 13 units?

    I did 14 and I liked all my subjects. I know someone doing 15 who likes all their subjects. Plus, even if I dropped down to 12 - who says my newfound time will be spent studying my other subjects anyway? I think I'd be better off taking more subjects rather than spending two more hours lounging...
  17. Shadowdude

    2 questions! :(

    Go to the Handbook and look at what courses you have to do. If BENV1042 is listed there, or is described as something you can possibly do, then yes - it will be for your degree.
  18. Shadowdude

    Piecemeal Functions Help

    My teacher called one of my English essays 'piecemeal', which means put together scrappily and is of generally low quality. Piecemeal might've been a valid term before, but I think it's obsolete now - and especially with that double meaning of 'low quality'... I think later on anyway if you...
  19. Shadowdude

    Prescribed FASS elective?

    iirc, it's any elective within the Arts faculty. So do whatever you want - as long as it's an FASS course.
  20. Shadowdude

    A few questions on timetables/subjects

    Continuing on with that: So planning your courses is beneficial so you'll have to take some of them next year, for instance.