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  1. bored of sc

    Pdhpe ppl - Did anyone do first aid ?

    Yes and No. It is a fairly good subject at times for content (body in motion) however I am in a class I don't like (most of the people in it). :(
  2. bored of sc


    Hey. I'm a vocalist. The pieces I plan to play are undecided right now but I will probably end up doing something popular (e.g. Coldplay) with a wide melodic range. As for you on bass-guitar, I'm not sure. Maybe the Red Hot Chili Peppers? Flea is a very talented bassist and uses a variety of...
  3. bored of sc

    General Solutions to Trigonometric Equations

    This is from Maths In Focus, Exercise 6.20. Here's my working: 5) sin2x = cosx 2sinxcosx = cosx 2sinxcosx - cosx = 0 cosx (2sinx - 1) = 0 cos x = 0 x = 90o 2sinx - 1 = 0 sinx = 1/2 x = 30o Therefore, x = 180on + (-1)n30o for sinx = 1/2 <--- That's correct. x = 360on + 90o...
  4. bored of sc

    English Assessment – Need Related Text for Othello

    'O' by Tim Nelson is a good choice since it is based on Shakespeare's Othello. Have a look at it - it's a film by the way.
  5. bored of sc

    2008 Maths Competition

    Re: Maths Competition To ahhliss, if it's any consolation, I ALWAYS get participation in the english competitions. :) EDIT: Credit not bad. It's the top 50% of entrants I believe.
  6. bored of sc

    asx share game

    Is that a pun? ;)
  7. bored of sc

    Textbooks/Required Reading; How many?

    ^^ Wow! You're going to have really unbiased study notes.
  8. bored of sc

    school captain speeches!!!

    Ever felt as if you're education has been in vain? Ever seen the problems of our school ignored? Ever heard the complaints of students and how in return the staff divert the complication? Ever tasted the bitter over the sweet? Tell me, ladies and gentlemen, students; have you ever inhaled the...
  9. bored of sc

    Catholicism essay

    I'm 99.99% sure they are unique to Catholicism (my five dot-points).
  10. bored of sc

    Describes in detail materials used and clearly justifies the methods chosen

    Yeah. :) You got it mainly correct anyway. You did especially well considering you're into the humanities too.
  11. bored of sc

    Describes in detail materials used and clearly justifies the methods chosen

    What Sonya said was more along the lines of evaluate (as used in accuracy, reliability and validity) but the idea of 'why' was spot on. From Wikipedia: Justify: To demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid. So you are basically providing evidence as to why you chose to carry...
  12. bored of sc

    Best way to prepare for trials?

    > Be confident and positive in your abilities. > Take each question step by step (think about the question you're on ONLY, not other questions). > Think as clearly and as logically as possible. This can be more easily achieved by writing down all your working-out and checking calculations...
  13. bored of sc

    Catholicism essay

    1. Holds the doctrine - the real Presense of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine after consecration at mass. 2. Accepts the Canons of the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon. 3. Considers Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony (marriage) are sacraments...
  14. bored of sc

    Chemistry - Coal Compounds

    Outline the compounds present in coal (there is more than one). Thanks.
  15. bored of sc

    SOR I or SOR II

    1 unit and 2 unit religion are equal in difficulty. 2 unit is twice the content, examination hours, mark value and unit contribution to HSC.
  16. bored of sc

    Tough Subjects for HSC 2009

    Do 1 unit religion and don't try in it.
  17. bored of sc

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    Every school is trying to get as close to belonging as possible without actually doing it. We were going to do "journey towards indentity". But instead we are doing identity.
  18. bored of sc

    Identity Definition - Advanced English

    No worries. Glad you like it. :)
  19. bored of sc

    inner journeys

    I have a whole folder with english techniques in there (I've been collecting sheets since year 7). When analysing texts I go to the appropriate category (in the case of the cartoon, visual and literary techniques). As for the waffling, I try to link it all to the common concept - in this case...