Honestly, it doesnt take a fantastic atar to get into science or maths or engineering or arts at usyd or unsw
- B Arts (Media and Communication): 98.50
- B Arts (Languages): 98.55
- B Arts (Advanced): 98.55
- B Aeronautical Space Engineering: 99.45
- B Mechanical Space Engineering: 99.45
- B Mechatronic Space Engineering: 99.45
- B Civil Geotechnical Engineering: 99.15
- B Bioelectronic Engineering: 98.40
I believe UNSW has similar cut-offs.
muhahahahaha, suppose you needed 85 ATAR to get into your course at UWS or 95 for UNSW or USYD, and you got 96.
Tell me sincerely, which you would pick?
It's something we all don't say, but we think it. The vast majority of people only go to UWS if:
1. They didn't get the cut-off for other Universities but made it for UWS (probably 90% of the cases)
2. They offer a degree that not many other Universities offer (like the MBBS).
It's because of Option #1 that many people generally have low opinions of UWS. It's perceived to be the "Damn, I didn't make *insert larger Uni*, but at least I can get into UWS" option.