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Israel attacks Lebanon (2 Viewers)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
jenzipoo, I can only recommend that you read my post on the page before this one. This war is effecting the region in ways you'll never know. I know you don't like hearing this but the war isn't minimalising the number of Hezbollah, Infact it is increasing the number of supporters the IDF are going backwards and numbers are increasing instead of declining.

Even if I assumed you have absolutely no sentiment to human life. I would expect you to see the inverse effects of this war on the region including the country you so adamantly support 'Israel'. All I can do is show you the ammount of casualties and the opinions of other leaders throughout the world.

If Israel had responded to the attempted prisoner negotiations earlier, Hezbollah wouldn't have kidnapped those 2 soldiers. It isn't the first time that they've used this method and as I've said they're fuelling the IDF by promising to 'make an example of Hezbollah', but instead public opinion shows they're glorifying their audacity and passion to defend their innoncent. (I'm sure you only care of the Israeli casualties and Infrastructure and would prefer thousands of Lebanese die without diplomacy then a cessation of hostilities and a prisoner trade. But you have to accept that this has negative effects for Israel too).

You have to come to the agreement that the apparent threat of Hezbollah is non-existant if the Israeli government proceeds with the promised prisoner negotiations. My analogy is "You cant take out a fire with petrol", It's common sense to see that diplomacy is the only way to end this ordeal. (I recommend you read my post in the previous page).

Also, John Howard is really sucking up to the U.S.A so that they can progress into becoming a Nuclear Power. (The U.S.A have already planned the sale of 'jet fighters' to Australia).
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Aug 13, 2004
jenzipoo said:
let me explain to you in simple terms why this started...hezbollah and groups alike (including various governments) do not believe israel has the right to exist

seeing as u mention chirac ill mention john howard
he sums it up beautifully...good ol johnny
thats all u have on hezbolah? thats there belief, who cares. About hezbolahs terroists crimes, they were during the lebanese civil war, they were in a war with christians, israelis, americans. Of coarse there gonna attack...israelis, americans and christians killed many muslims also. its a civil war thats wat happens.
Hizbolah didnt attack israeli civilians.


"There's plenty of evidence that the rockets that have been fired by Hizbollah have penetrated far deeper into Israeli territory than the Israelis expected," he told ABC television.

When did that start, after israel attacked beirut? yes

"This is survival for them."
yes they need to blow up ambulances to survive.
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Jul 17, 2006
codereder said:
thats all u have on hezbolah? thats there belief, who cares. About hezbolahs terroists crimes, they were during the lebanese civil war, they were in a war with christians, israelis, americans. Of coarse there gonna attack...israelis, americans and christians killed many muslims also. its a civil war thats wat happens.
Hizbolah didnt attack israeli civilians.


"There's plenty of evidence that the rockets that have been fired by Hizbollah have penetrated far deeper into Israeli territory than the Israelis expected," he told ABC television.

When did that start, after israel attacked beirut? yes

"This is survival for them."
yes they need to blow up ambulances to survive.

its very arrogant of u to say "thats all u have on hezbolah? thats there belief, who cares." the fact that hezbollah don't believe ythat israel has the right to exist means that theyre never going to stop ATTACKING ISRAEL. that is the very essence as to why this whole thing started. your ignorance is offensive


Oct 13, 2004
deegee said:
its very arrogant of u to say "thats all u have on hezbolah? thats there belief, who cares." the fact that hezbollah don't believe ythat israel has the right to exist means that theyre never going to stop ATTACKING ISRAEL. that is the very essence as to why this whole thing started. your ignorance is offensive
If thats the case then they should be constantly attacking it? They dont

Israel seem to always create a reason for their attacks under the context of 'survival' and defend themselves from smaller nations. Why do people buy it?

Anyway, we've moved on. We're now focused on discussing a soloution


Jul 17, 2006
Jordan.J said:
If thats the case then they should be constantly attacking it? They dont

Israel seem to always create a reason for their attacks under the context of 'survival' and defend themselves from smaller nations. Why do people buy it?

Anyway, we've moved on. We're now focused on discussing a soloution
yes im sure someone as one minded as you will be able to come up with a solution..and make world peace.


Oct 13, 2004
deegee said:
yes im sure someone as one minded as you will be able to come up with a solution..and make world peace.
What's your soloution?

I wanna know


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
I already came up with a solution a page or two ago. (read it)
[Hezbollah doesn't have the destruction of Israel in it's list of Objectives.] Statements by it's leaders have stated so.

This is a classic example of the foul which was awarded to materazzi of neils foot. Italians claimed it was a legitimate foul whilst the aussies argued that it was 'unjust', however the consequences of the foul being awarded resulted in a 'disproportionate' punishment of the Australian team.

When neil dived to stop the goal of materazzi he wasn't intentionally trying to 'foul' him.

Right now we have a similar situation and people support their own side, and the side 'claiming' to protect them. However, if you look at the build-up to the war and the events dating all the way back to 82', Hezbollah has the better track record of 'taking care of its people' and fending off foreign occupation. Lebanon is a diplomatic country, Israel should recognise that instead of continually bombing the country (including targets which are completely unrelated to Hezbollah).

Read my response for a solution to the issue and preventing these sorts of issues arising in later years.


Jul 17, 2006
Jordan.J said:
What's your soloution?

I wanna know
Jerusalem is a tiny, holy city for the jews, christians and muslims. all of these religions believe that jerusalem should belong them. hence there will never be peace, but the violence needs to stop because the innocent are suffering whether it be jews or muslims


Nov 29, 2005
sam04u said:
jenzipoo, I can only recommend that you read my post on the page before this one. This war is effecting the region in ways you'll never know. I know you don't like hearing this but the war isn't minimalising the number of Hezbollah, Infact it is increasing the number of supporters the IDF are going backwards and numbers are increasing instead of declining.

Even if I assumed you have absolutely no sentiment to human life. I would expect you to see the inverse effects of this war on the region including the country you so adamantly support 'Israel'. All I can do is show you the ammount of casualties and the opinions of other leaders throughout the world.

If Israel had responded to the attempted prisoner negotiations earlier, Hezbollah wouldn't have kidnapped those 2 soldiers. It isn't the first time that they've used this method and as I've said they're fuelling the IDF by promising to 'make an example of Hezbollah', but instead public opinion shows they're glorifying their audacity and passion to defend their innoncent. (I'm sure you only care of the Israeli casualties and Infrastructure and would prefer thousands of Lebanese die without diplomacy then a cessation of hostilities and a prisoner trade. But you have to accept that this has negative effects for Israel too).

You have to come to the agreement that the apparent threat of Hezbollah is non-existant if the Israeli government proceeds with the promised prisoner negotiations. My analogy is "You cant take out a fire with petrol", It's common sense to see that diplomacy is the only way to end this ordeal. (I recommend you read my post in the previous page).

Also, John Howard is really sucking up to the U.S.A so that they can progress into becoming a Nuclear Power. (The U.S.A have already planned the sale of 'jet fighters' to Australia).
i did read your post and your throughts are...opinion
everyone in this forum has one...the whole emaning and reasoning for the creation oif a forum

your opinion is that the idf has gone backwards i believe theyve gone forward..sorry

i absolutely resent the fact that you can even say to em that i support the death of innoicent lebanese civilans! how dare you..esepcially after numerous times i have stated that i do not!!

the apparent threat of hezbollah is existent...if the group (and for this rpely i wont use the word terrorist) outright denies the right for israel to exist and continually exhcngae the words jews with israel (unable to recognise that many many arabs live in israel as well as christaians...in fact just this morning killing an arab girl in an arab town IN israel) then im sorry that is a real threat

your proposal is actually quite intellgient containing a few flaws however...

I believe that hezbollah should have to eb totally disarmed (ie not able to harm israelies ever again) and an INTERNATIONAL peace keeping force put in place not the lebanese army because perosnally i dont thinkt hey are capable of contorlling the area..
as for the prisoners i have stated many times thta yes some MIGHT be innocent however many of them have commited (or tried to) commit crimes against israel...israel has released prisoners before and it has backfired on them..let me show you one thing:
The prisoner whom Hezbollah is demanding, above all others, be released, is Samir Kuntar, jailed in Israel since a 1979 attack in the northern Israeli town of Nahariyah, in which he entered an apartment and murdered three family members and an Israeli police officer.
Kuntar is quite simply a terrorist and a murderer who committed a terrible atrocity on Israeli soil. Those prisoners held in Israeli jails captured during Israel's stay in southern Lebanon are, likewise, held for terrorist offences and due to the inherent risk that they will return to their previous activities.
Aug 13, 2004
deegee said:
its very arrogant of u to say "thats all u have on hezbolah? thats there belief, who cares." the fact that hezbollah don't believe ythat israel has the right to exist means that theyre never going to stop ATTACKING ISRAEL. that is the very essence as to why this whole thing started. your ignorance is offensive
as jordan said, they never have attacked israel civilians. They only shoot rockets after israel bombs beirut.

"the fact that hezbollah don't believe ythat israel has the right to exist means that theyre never going to stop ATTACKING ISRAEL" thats unbelievably ignorant.
Just say Jack Black up the road doesnt believe israel exists, he doesnt attack israel. Hezbolah kidnaps soldiers to get lebanese people back.

Israel only want hezbolah gone, so israel is free to attack without a threat, thats the real reason, its not to elliminate a constant threat, its so israel can continue to take lebanese and palestinian people, and not have there soldiers taken, and also so they can bomb beirut without rockets being fired at them. Thats the real reason.


Jul 2, 2004
codereder said:
Israel only want hezbolah gone, so israel is free to attack without a threat, thats the real reason, its not to elliminate a constant threat, its so israel can continue to take lebanese and palestinian people, and not have there soldiers taken, and also so they can bomb beirut without rockets being fired at them. Thats the real reason.
Israel has no reason to attack Lebanon if Hezbollah didn't exist, if there are no wanted terrorists in Lebanon and if Lebanon did not pose a threat.

Some of you say that Israel is at a continuing war with all the Arabs. Lets look at the facts, Israel signed a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979 and a peace treaty with Jordan in 1994. Since the peace treaties were signed Israel has not attacked these countries in any way, except maybe for Mossad operations (in which they did in dozens of countries). Israelis have contributed a significant amount of money to Egypt's tourism industry, especially in the Sinai.

On the other hand a few years ago Israel bombed a training camp in Syria. Im not supporting their decision but Israel did it because Syria harbours terrorists and they support them.


Jul 17, 2006
codereder said:
as jordan said, they never have attacked israel civilians. They only shoot rockets after israel bombs beirut.

"the fact that hezbollah don't believe ythat israel has the right to exist means that theyre never going to stop ATTACKING ISRAEL" thats unbelievably ignorant.
Just say Jack Black up the road doesnt believe israel exists, he doesnt attack israel. Hezbolah kidnaps soldiers to get lebanese people back.

Israel only want hezbolah gone, so israel is free to attack without a threat, thats the real reason, its not to elliminate a constant threat, its so israel can continue to take lebanese and palestinian people, and not have there soldiers taken, and also so they can bomb beirut without rockets being fired at them. Thats the real reason.
israel is not trying to wipe out a whole country, they want to wipe out a terrorist group. theres a big difference. there has always been trouble in the middle east between israel and the muslims.. whether it be jordan, iran, syria, lebannon.....theres always been trouble.. what do you prupose israel does? picture lebanon as a tiny state with many large jewish states surrounding (constantly attacking it)??
does it now have the right to defend itself?


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
"the fact that hezbollah don't believe ythat israel has the right to exist means that theyre never going to stop ATTACKING ISRAEL" thats unbelievably ignorant.
Just say Jack Black up the road doesnt believe israel exists, he doesnt attack israel. Hezbolah kidnaps soldiers to get lebanese people back.

Israel only want hezbolah gone, so israel is free to attack without a threat, thats the real reason, its not to elliminate a constant threat, its so israel can continue to take lebanese and palestinian people, and not have there soldiers taken, and also so they can bomb beirut without rockets being fired at them. Thats the real reason.
its actually not ignorant at all because yes Mr Jack Black may not go and attack israel but hundreds of other islmic extremists who do not belive that israel has a right to exist have attacked israel and its INNOCENT civilains...

israel isnt this crazy machien trying to take over the world or in your agrument the middle east..
if israel wnated lebanon gone they would have anhilated the place ages ago! it was the ATTACK on the state of israel by hezbollah (when its soldiers were taken) thjat prompted this...it was the final straw

if you were living in daily fear of being bonbed, attacked, kidnapped or killed im sure you would not have reacted and behaved so well for so many years just like all the israeli citiznes have! they have put up wiht the contasnt attacks and hatred for many years now..


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
Israel only want hezbolah gone, so israel is free to attack without a threat, thats the real reason, its not to elliminate a constant threat, its so israel can continue to take lebanese and palestinian people, and not have there soldiers taken, and also so they can bomb beirut without rockets being fired at them. Thats the real reason.
You sounded pretty intelligent till that comment, which you have obviously decided is what israel wants from your own, pretty crap knoweldge. If thats wat Israel wanted no countries would support them, the countries supporting israel know what israel want and that is some well deserved peace and quiet as well as the disarment of all terrorist groups, thats what the world wants.
So before you type think about what you are saying.

Shmuel Kleiner

New Member
Jul 26, 2006
This is a general response to all the pro Hezbola people. Hezbola is a terroist group. Many arab nations have recently stated they do not support Hezbola's actions including Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Hezbola openly targets civilians, the IDF doe not. Did you know, that before the IDF launches an attack, they drop leaflets from their planes warning people to leave their homes as an attack is immenent. Unfortunetly, many people do not leave, and as a result, civilians are killed. This is unfortunet. It is also a result of the cowardly terroist organisation Hezbola who's members hide themselves in densly populated areas so that if Israel does launch an attack they are sure to kill civilians and get negative publicity. Further more, the idea of 'prisoner negotiation is rediculous. The prisoners that the Hezbola demand are convicted terroists. In exchange for the two IDF soldiers, they wanted over 100 convicted terroists.
Lastly any person who asks why Israel has reacted by using force and suggests that negotiations would be a more suited solution is clearly ignorant of the arab - israely conflict. Just look at the Oslo peace accord, where Israel fufiled all of there obligations and their arab nations did not fufil one. Another reason that negotiations will never work, is the fact that it states in Hezbola's charter that Israel does not have a right to exist. How can such people be negotiated with?
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
wow i sure love what these kids learn, respect as the one says....refer to the bottom the song exemplifies respect (dont get me wrong minus the saongs and indoctrination these cmaps are good for the palestinian children...but wtf)

WOMD = weopons of mass destruction

so what what the fuck do u mean so what...i lost many many family members in the holocaust...do you see me burning german flags or blowing myself up in german restraunts....i know people who have lost family members in suicide bombings...do you see them burining the palestinian flag or blowing themselves up on a palestinian bus...funny because this man did the opposite...he channeled his anger to setting up a fund to help children who have been affetced by acts of terror by either being hirt themselves and requiring the prpoer care or losing family members and needing somewhere to live or some support..these womens are just one part of hamas...trying to destory the state of israel....pathetic pigs...let them rather learn to love their own kids then hating the children of israel..
jus lik to let u know that hitler wasnt a muslim, leb or arab n he sure as hell wasnt part of hezballah....so sowi bout that

i know ppl that hav family membas who died 4 no reason in leb/palestine n they aint blowin themselves up..........

y r they pathetic pigs..??????cos israel killed there children n theyre angry..man seriously do u know how much people in palestine r dyin for no reason...o ur gonna say none cos israel is AWLWAYS right....

wat would u do if ur child died for no reason????????[start a charity?]

u know in my religion[islam] n in my country [leb] we dont get OUR children to sign bombs just before we send them into israel........sowi i cant say the same to israel...[it was on the front page on the daily telegraph]

so u see we aint letin kids hate israel........which is in fact the oposit [since israel is doin that !!!!!!!]
Jul 22, 2006
R.G. said:
You sounded pretty intelligent till that comment, which you have obviously decided is what israel wants from your own, pretty crap knoweldge. If thats wat Israel wanted no countries would support them, the countries supporting israel know what israel want and that is some well deserved peace and quiet as well as the disarment of all terrorist groups, thats what the world wants.
So before you type think about what you are saying.
ur funni they want peace.....lol hahahahahahahhahahhaaaaaa
man that was a good joke whered u get it from? the web , tv?

they are smart i neva would hav though u ca mak peace by killin more than 300 ppl....

bf U talk think bout wat UR sayin


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
jus lik to let u know that hitler wasnt a muslim, leb or arab n he sure as hell wasnt part of hezballah....so sowi bout that

i know ppl that hav family membas who died 4 no reason in leb/palestine n they aint blowin themselves up..........

y r they pathetic pigs..??????cos israel killed there children n theyre angry..man seriously do u know how much people in palestine r dyin for no reason...o ur gonna say none cos israel is AWLWAYS right....

wat would u do if ur child died for no reason????????[start a charity?]

u know in my religion[islam] n in my country [leb] we dont get OUR children to sign bombs just before we send them into israel........sowi i cant say the same to israel...[it was on the front page on the daily telegraph]

so u see we aint letin kids hate israel........which is in fact the oposit [since israel is doin that !!!!!!!]
clearly my explanations are too advanced for you..


YOU said that wouldnt you do that if your children died...well you know what this man i refered to didnt...he started a charity instead and my grnadfather who lost his granparents and entire family...nuhh sorry hes still alive no blowing himself up sweety

so no theres your answer...I was born and raised itno a society that values human life! im not syaing YOU dont but im saying those "pathetic pigs" were...and they hae been taught to hate the children of israel more than they love their own kids!!

please kindly read the intellectucal debate me and jordan had previously in reference to the kids sighning bombs and refer to the site i posted which explained the situation...

your ignorance keeps me laughing through this horrible time of hsc trials..


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
ur funni they want peace.....lol hahahahahahahhahahhaaaaaa
man that was a good joke whered u get it from? the web , tv?

they are smart i neva would hav though u ca mak peace by killin more than 300 ppl....

bf U talk think bout wat UR sayin
Dude, coherant sentences would be nice:)
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
clearly my explanations are too advanced for you..


YOU said that wouldnt you do that if your children died...well you know what this man i refered to didnt...he started a charity instead and my grnadfather who lost his granparents and entire family...nuhh sorry hes still alive no blowing himself up sweety

so no theres your answer...I was born and raised itno a society that values human life! im not syaing YOU dont but im saying those "pathetic pigs" were...and they hae been taught to hate the children of israel more than they love their own kids!!

please kindly read the intellectucal debate me and jordan had previously in reference to the kids sighning bombs and refer to the site i posted which explained the situation...

your ignorance keeps me laughing through this horrible time of hsc trials..
ok y r they pathetic pigs??????

we werent born to hate israel.....so get ur facts straight.if sum hate israel its cos they hate the fact that 3/4 z or more of there families hav died

u no theres a lady in lebanon who had 36 membas in her family n she is the only 1 alive n that was jus from the 1st day they bombd leb...so she is obviously not gonna lik the ppl that killd her family

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