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  1. S

    trial questions - all subjects

    For those of u who have already done ur trials post up the questions u got and state what subject it was for (and further state what module/core/option/whateveruwannacallit, it was for)I can't put mine up, I haven't done any yet!
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    What texts hv u studied?

    help!!!!!!!!is there anyone have some very good notes on CINEMA PARADISO????? undefinedundefinedundefined
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    Eng course mark

    anyone know?
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    illness and trials

    Im not sure about illness during trials, but u should apply for EAS (education access scheme). It helps ppl with disadvantages (such as urself) get the extra points they need to get into uni. Just a thought. In case u haven't already considered it.
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    Eng course mark

    I wasn't sure where to put this so I just did it here. Im just wondering, if I'm getting an average of 13/15 for all my eng adv assessments (which is equivalent to about 87%), and in the end I end up with that mark as my course mark (ie. after trial marks have been accounted for) - what's the...
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    Exam rules question

    But is it allowed?
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    Had enough

    Dont worry my mum is exactly the same. But my bro understands coz he did HSC the year before last and studied like crazy. So yeah he's doing alot of the housework (and my dad too)and he convinces my mum that it's ok for me not to be doing much work coz this year is important to me. I made a deal...
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    who thinks they have stuffed up???

    I wouldn't say I've stuffed up. However, I definitely haven't reached my full potential - but then again, I dont think many people have.
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    What UAI do u reckon you'll get?

    Oh is it possible to see who chose what? Anyone know how I can edit the poll so we can see who chose what?
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    The Official CSSA trials past paper thread (2004)

    Oh wait, u meant they gave last years trial paper for ur half-yearly's this year. Yep i got ya. Btw, does anyone know last years CSSA or Independent trial question for module A (for brave new world and bladerunner)?
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    The Official CSSA trials past paper thread (2004)

    What exactly are independent trial papers and who makes them? And from that post, your stating that the 'independent trials' come out before the half-yearlies. So therefore, this years independent trials for english and all other subjects have already come out. Anybody got any idea where to get...
  12. S

    help with core 1 notes

    The syllabus has changed? Wow i didnt know anything about it. But yeah, if we only need to know about 4 then i dont see why you couldn't just ignore the other 2. They can't specify a q on something if it's not in the syllabus.
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    What UAI do u reckon you'll get?

    Just wondering, what does everyone reckon their gonna end up getting? (Be realistic ppl) As for me, if i keep going the way i am i reckon i'll get 94ish. Lets read this in december and see how accurate everyone is.....
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    Secret to Success

    Count me in. Out of the subjects u mentioned, i do english adv and ancient history and it's predicted that i'll get a band 6 in both so dont worry i wont be completely useless hehe. My email is but I hardly go on msn atm.
  15. S

    quick question...

    As was said b4, technically they can specify and even if none of the texts can fit all three focuses (other than maybe journey to the interior coz its so vague) they may not specify one they may say like ur choice of these 3 or something.
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    Mental rehearsal/Visualisation

    Just wondering, what exactly is the difference between the 2? 1 textbook says that they are very similar except that mental rehearsal is imaginig the whole performance whereas visualisation is imagining only a specific skill but another textbook says the opposite. So which exactly is it?
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    how many P.Skr.. poems?

    3?? :eek: Damn, I only know one in detail lol
  18. S

    how many P.Skr.. poems?

    hey just wondering, how many of Skryznecki's poems are we supposed to use in section 3 of the area of study paper? Are we sposed to mention all of them and only cover 1 in detail or do we just do like 2 in detail or what? Thanx oh and also, i've noticed that with a lot of the practice essays...
  19. S

    What to look 4 in paintings

    Oh ok thanks heaps:) Just wondering, are there any websites which have analysis of paintings? Maybe i'll get lucky and find someones analysis of this particular painting. And if anyone has some more ideas on what to look for?
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    Yeah i wanna know too......but i think u have to buy the hsc sample response book. Go on the boardofstudies site and you can purchase it there. But yeah, anyone know where to get exemplars for free?