I've been to both public and private schools and I think a lot of the time, many people ask me 'Why waste all your money in a private school when you can get a tutor for half the price and get good marks?' Well, that's mutiny. Yes, there are many people who believe that private schools are a waste of money and they're totally obliged to think that because there are some people who just don't like the sort of money involved.
However, I feel personally that I would rather be better suited in a private school for my own reasons and I believe I made a right decision going to one in the City. So the reality is, there shouldn't be a better school because obviously, everybody sways to either Public or Private and really, it's just the person's preference that matters in the end. Sure, people think private school are overrated and public schools breed terrible people but the reality is that there are always going to be terrible people in any school you go to and people's biased stereotypes of different kinds of schools shouldn't affect your decision. Because it is you alone, who decides which type of school is BEST for you.