Search results

  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    variations in gravitational field

    For the sakes of HSC physics, yes, It does not exist. In reality, it depends on the frame of reference .. In rotating frames, it definitely does exist and is termed an 'inertial force', just like gravity is in the context of general relativity! So, in different frames, gravity can be viewed...
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    Need Thoughts

    Poor question.. Where is the verb? Basic requirements to me means 'what is needed' -- to me your answer (1) - is a property, not a 'requirement', again (2) is not a 'requirement' If the HT has no idea about Physics -- it will be time lost there -- but, perhaps an external reference point...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Ruse vs. Grammar

    I have had ex-ruse teachers come to my school and teachers from my school goto ruse.. I really would not send my child there based on teachers that have come from there and gone to there. I have heard nothing but good things about Grammar in the fields I am interested in, the mathematics and...
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    Projectile Motion Question

    a) Force due to gravity (Weight = mass * gravity) b) I dont have a calculator at my disposal atm -- but using the formula delta_Y = Uyt + 1/2ayt^2 -- Uy = 0 (y-comp at max height = 0) -- t =sqrt(2*delta_Y/a) = approx 1.6s c) A - gravity, what is it provided by? (give amount ?294? and...
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    girls doing physics

    260 physics students? Which school? dw misread... I have 4 girls out of 41 students in my prelim classes. 2 girls have dropped.
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    motion problems

    t = 6 refers to the first time it travels 108m -- it then continues travelling in the same direction and assuming constant retarding acceleration, it will eventually turn around and come back to the 108m displacement. Which it does after a further 3 seconds.
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    Need help for this transformers question

    The induced EMF graph will be a mirror image of the change in flux vs time graph :)
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Need help for this transformers question

    use faraday/lenz EMF = -n (delta_phi/delta_t) EMF is basically represented as the gradient of the graph, multiplied by -1. At beginning, grad is max and positive, hence emf will be max and negative then at turning point grad is zero, hence emf will be zero, after half a turn, grad is max and...
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Dating your tutor

    Ha! Her parents are/were family friends of my parents. I remember when this was going on...
  10. Fizzy_Cyst


    Toasted Roast Chicken Honey Oat Bread Old English cheese (CHEESEBURGER CHEESE FTW!) All salads except pickles Hot Chilli sauce and Mayo
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    Olives - Love or Hate them?

    Kalamata FTW! Hate the black jumbo ones.
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    What are your unorthodox eating habits?

    Sometimes when I eat Maccas, I get a big mac, but get them to replace the meat patties with mcchicken patties. Dont knock it, it is awesome!
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Which discipline has the best job prospects and pay?

    Why is Science even there? LoL
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    Success One Physics: Opinions

    A great deal of the answers are far too long. Sometimes they use an entire page for a 5-6 mark question. They should try to keep their answers in line with the amount of space given for the question (2 lines per mark). Their diagrams and calculation answers are usually quite good. It would...
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    Hey guys I am a bit confused with a problem on relative velocity

    For Q2(a) It would be 8ms-1 North -- you need to think about the frame of reference. The water is already moving at 15ms-1W, so relative to the water, the only movement is the movement North. Think about if there were two boats on the water and one of the boats started moving North, from the...
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    Need help on afew questions

    Are you already up to I2I? 1. This 0.7V is specifically referring to a silicon diode. It is to do with the fact that when you sandwich P and N-type SC together to form a PN junction, some of the charge carriers migrate across the SC and build up an electric field in sucha direction that...
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics tutoring -- Need students aiming for band 6!!

    LoLz :) Thx Parv :) You guys make teaching easy! Hahaha :) If only you knew ;) Fizzicks is Phun! ^_^
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    getting a 99 atar

    Mathematics Mathematics Ext 1 Physics Chemistry Economics Std Engrish SOR I
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    Not enjoying physics at all, last week to change subjects?

    Phwoar! If you want to do aviation, I would seriously consider sticking with Physics. It will help to have an understanding of HSC Physics when undertaking 1st year Physics and Engineering type subjects. If you choose to drop it, there is always the option of doing a bridging course before...
  20. Fizzy_Cyst

    getting a 99 atar

    Boonyak - Yes it is possible, I did it :) Wildchild - not at all. I only got 95+ in 3 units and still got 99.2