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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    option topic

    You can study your own option if you want to. I would strongly advise against it though!
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring For HSC 2014 -- Starting Term 3 Holidays, 2013 [FILLING FAST!]

    Re: Physics Tutoring For HSC 2013 -- Starting Term 4, 2012 [FILLING FAST!] The special ingredient is love. Lots of love! No separate selling! To get cupcakes you must put up with me!
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Prelim Motion Help Please

    If you think about the forces which are acting, you have weight acting downwards and the 'net' force which is causing the acceleration acting in the direction of the motion of the skater, the yo-yo will want to stay doing what it is doing due to inertia. If you draw a vector diagram, you will...
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    Big question

    THIS! Don't just list the for/against, make sure you go further! Also, Discuss is for and/or against, so it may not be practical to do both -- but if you can, definitely do.
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    Please help me answer this question.

    For the higher mark questions, the band 5/6 responses must 'demonstrate coherence and logical progression' Example, if you draw a diagram and then talk about the diagram, it is logical progression. If you talk about the diagram and draw it further down the page, it is not logical progression...
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring For HSC 2014 -- Starting Term 3 Holidays, 2013 [FILLING FAST!]

    Re: Physics Tutoring For HSC 2013 -- Starting Term 4, 2012 [FILLING FAST!] They are the reason I married her.
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring For HSC 2014 -- Starting Term 3 Holidays, 2013 [FILLING FAST!]

    Hey everyone, I am a qualified teacher, having taught at a public school in North-West Sydney since 2007. I specialise in teaching Physics to capable students who want to further improve their skills and overall achievement. I am looking for capable, motivated, hard-working students to join...
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Please help me answer this question.

    - Light consists of particles (photons) - The energy of the photon depends on the frequency of the light (E=hf) - PE Effect is when electrons are liberated from a metal surface when light of suitable frequency is shone on it - Classical physics suggested that light of any frequency could...
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    This is really awesome of you! If you need any further help with Physics, I may be able to come out
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Forward bias diode - Solar panel

    I think I understand what you mean, I dont have a copy of the textbook in front of me so will try to explain. In a diode, there is an external power supply. The electrons which flow through a diode originate from the power supply (hence travel from negative to positive terminal) -- forward...
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    2011 Exam Choice Physics Paper

    I really dislike Exam Choice papers.. They are too easy. This years Exam Choice paper is even easier than usual!
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    WARNING to all students look for tutors. Most are greeedy, too expensive.

    Kind of agree with this. For me, running classes has been great as I have ensured the students in the classes are around the same ability level and I have a maximum of 6 students. However, I have worked at a number of tutoring centres, tutoring students at entirely different ends of the...
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Hey! I only just saw your visitor message from over a month ago! To clarify, no it is not a...

    Hey! I only just saw your visitor message from over a month ago! To clarify, no it is not a requirement for semiconductors to be group IV, there are numerous compound semiconductors which do not have group IV elements in them at all, one of the most common being Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). However...
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    discharge tubes!!?!!?!?!

    Current isnt coming from the source of power, it is the EMF (Voltage/Potential Difference) which is coming from the source of power and being applied to the electrodes. It is the resistance between the electrodes which determines the current. (I = V/R)
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    WARNING to all students look for tutors. Most are greeedy, too expensive.

    Spoken like a true ignoramus. Agreed that some teachers are that way inclined, but to generalise an entire profession.. Hmmm.. I stayed up until 2am this morning revising my notes for my tutoring class today as there is very little info out there which explains semiconductors in enough detail...
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    Decimal Places

    Whilst you will never lose marks (In Physics) for incorrect number of sig figs, it is one of the things that 'judges' look for in a Band 6 student. So, if you end up with a mark of 89, they will look through your paper, see if you fit the Band 6 criteria, one of the criteria being correct sig...
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    discharge tubes!!?!!?!?!

    High pressure = more gas particles = higher resistance. By definition, if resistance is higher, then current (flow of electrons/cathode rays) will decrease. If there are too many gas particles, then essentially it is an insulator and there will be no current/cathode rays at all
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    James ruse preliminary past paper, any help?

    Should be: 3B(s) + 2E3+(aq) ----> 3B2+(aq) + 2E(s)
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    Question: charge, magnetic field

    At angles other than 90degrees they will still complete full revolutions, as magnetic force is centripetal, however, there will also be a component parallel to the field which will cause it to move along and it will create a helical path, or a corkscrew
  20. Fizzy_Cyst


    Knowing too much > Knowing the 'syllabus' > Not knowing enough Unless you know enough to contradict all the incorrect stuff in the HSC Physics course... I find In2 Physics fantastic altough the use of conics to explain orbits? (i think) was a bit.. unnecessary.., a great deal of it is...