You appear to have a sad, boring life, during which you spend your days analysing the Scaling Report and jumping down the throats of people who question it or who provide information inconsistent with this 'prestigious' or 'reputable ...Report of the Scaling on the HSC itself'. Scaling - best...
Did you learn Italian while you were living there? It is assumed that this is the case - after all, immersion is proven as the most effective language-learning method. I did Continuers and Extension, but I am Italian. Mum and Dad were born in Sorrento. Cont. isn't too difficult anyway - yes...
Wouldn't know, only ever did year 11 Legal Studies, and that was before the new 2011 HSC syllabus was introduced to make the course more accessible to students. I don't know. Ask Schoey93 if he's still around, he's doing year 12 Legal this year, he enjoys it, says its very relevant and that in...
Gene splicing
DNA comparative studies
Human Genome Project
comparison of embryoes viewed under microscopes...electron scanning microscope images of sperm/egg cells meeting, foetuses developing in different species' wombs
etc etc.
1. Fuck no. For me, English (Extension) was easier than advanced. I found it to be the easiest HSC English course (I did 4 units of death in 2009).
2. You choose a module, then ehm an elective to study within the notion of that module and its associated ideas, I think. You will study 3...
I did my HSC in 2009, but didn't do maths. So now I'm studying Mathematics (Advanced) and dreading the trial. I'm fine during exams and generally quite a calm person, but as a non-mathematically-inclined person doing the advanced/intermediate course, I feel very lost. Half-yearly rank was 5th/30ish
doli incapax
duty of care - teachers have a responsibility to ensure that their students are cared for and kept safe within the school environment. Once you're 18 and no longer a high school student, sure, go ahead and fool around with some young teacher fresh from university. Remember though...
Hey Jim, if that is your real name ;)
I'm back online girl. How'd you go in your HSC? Me, I've been bumming around and working at McDonald's as a casual for the past nine months or so (since October). My boss went to work at another store in June; she was a lovely gal, very kind and extremely...
Salve ragazzi! Mi chiamo Federico. Ho imparato l'italiano per la maturita`. Ho studiato l'italiano al livello di 'continuers'. Possiamo parlare in italiano via windows live o skype.
Windows Live:
Skype: - ( Se mi parlate 'in linea' poi mi chiedete per il mio skype 'addy')
I've studied Italian for five years (since 2007) and for the majority of my secondary schooling. Call me Federico (not my real name). The subjunctive has four main forms.
- Present subjunctive
- Perfect subjunctive
- Imperfect subjunctive, if clause (i.e. periodo ipotetico/hypothetical...
Hi Maddie! Just thought I'd correct a few details, given that I've known you for a year - noticed a few inaccuracies in your tutoring ad here. You achieved 94/100 in Italian Continuers and 43/50 in Italian Extension. You completed the HSC last year in 2010, not in 2009 (i.e. currently hai 19...
Hello everyone!
I am interested in a medical career. What training would a general practitioner or non-emergency medicine specialist doctor have to do to become qualified as an ambulance officer/paramedic? How long would the training take? I am interested in working in the ED but do not want...
Nope, haven't died, lol. I'm still standing, um, sitting I mean. I'd like to go off to Italy this year, of course, but it may be difficult to find the cash. I blew my savings on a car and I don't have much money left now, but I did buy the car outright. Now I'm set to get hit with TPP insurance...
I work but I finished the HSC last year, suckers! :) lol
It was fun times.
I'm starting my own business in 2010 or 2011. Might hire you if you're serious. It'll be catering/restaurant, just so you know.
:) It is a challenge!
Madam Aerath, why was I given a warning? Was it for an inappropriate comment or are you just mean? :(
I don't wanna be rude but that was a harsh infraction notice...
Yes, definitely worth it. For sure. I did English Extension 1 and English Extension 2. Got Band E3 in each, if I recall correctly. Might have scraped an E4 in one of them. Boosted my ATAR!